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[aspectj-dev] Comparing two classes

Hi there,

I have the following situation:
I want to compare two classes/aspects  and their containing
methods/aspects/pointcuts. First, this should be only done based on
the fully qualified names of the classes/aspects and the signatures
of methods in matched classes.

Now my problem:
I have no experience in writing plugins, so apparently I cannot use
the IWorkspace and it's structure. My workaround is to read the files
from a list, a bit like the file list argument for the ajc compiler.
As I understand it, to compare fully qualified names and method
signatures, I need to construct the AST for each of the classes.
However, ASTParser.setSource() only allows char[], IClass, or
ICompilationUnit. I would like to avoid reading the file into a
char[]. Does anyone see a way around that? Can anyone tell me how to
obtain an ICompilationUnit or IClass from a File?

On a side note: The class AjCompilationUnit used here [1] does not
exist anymore, right?

Thanks a lot for any hints.



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