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Re: [aspectj-dev] AspectJ Runtime: Signatures for interface initialization and type staticinitialization

Thanks for bringing this up for discussion, Matthew.  Some comments and code
below; I do think the current behavior is correct, i.e., it's what the user should
expect based on how the programming guide describes initialization and handling
interface initializers.
> One thing I am sure of: we should not return null [from getConstructor()]
That seems like the correct behavior to me if there is no constructor for an interface
(this assumes we have an interface-specific initializer, which I think we do). 
Second, wrt interface initialization, even though Java does not permit interfaces to have
constructors, AspectJ permits interfaces to have fields that have initialization statements,
so I think users should be able to expect those to be sequestered in an interface initializer,
i.e., "initialization( && ! initialization("  Indeed, in the
example of an instance with superclass and superinterface, there should be three
initialization join points: the instance, the superclass, and the superinterface.  This is
what the code below shows.  With care, each join point can be picked out.
Third, wrt declaring type,  the programming guide says
 "At object initialization and pre-initialization join points, the signature is the constructor
 signature for the constructor that started this initialization: the first constructor entered
 during this type's initialization of this object."
On one hand, I think we'd want AspectJ's reflective access to follow this model, so the
declaring type of the (reflective) signature indeed should reflect the specific instance type,
"Test" in your program and "Initializer" in mine below.  On the other hand, if the pointcut
really is only picking out the interface or superclass initialization join point, it seems
weird to say that it picks up the declaring type of the initiating constructor.  That would mean
the declaring type of the interface-initializer join point enclosed by the subtype-initializer
join point would be the subtype, and it would thus get as many declaring types as
there are implementing types, and it becomes not static data associated with the
join point but dynamic data associated with the enclosing join point.  So perhaps
we should qualify the programming guide to say the declaring type for purposes
of matching or some such language.  In any case, the code below shows what I think
is the correct declaring type, Interface for the interface-initialization and Initializer for
the subtype.
Fourth, one might think that initialization of an instance starts the instance-initialization join
point and then starts the instance-initialization join point of any parent, since this is what
Java leads us to believe is the order of execution for constructors.  However, AspectJ defines
constructor-execution for the subtype to start when the code for the constructor starts,
which is after any explicit or implicit call to this(..) or super(..) in the constructor.  That
means the supertype constructor-execution join point is not enclosed by the subtype
constructor execution.  Initialization follows this even though initialization is intended to
pick out the initiating constructor.  So even though the initialization join point matches based
on the subtype-type, the first initialization join point run is not the subtype-being-initialized but
the supertype.  That's reflected in the code below and should probably be explained to users.
(There is a faq entry on point, as well as a definition of the order of initialization for interfaces.)
hth - Wes
import org.aspectj.lang.Signature;
import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.reflect.ConstructorSignature;
interface Interface { void m();}
public class Initializer extends Parent implements Interface {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                new Initializer();

class Parent { public void m(){}}
aspect Aspect {
        static int counting() {
                System.err.println("COUNTING"); return ++COUNT; }
        static int COUNT;
        public int Interface.count = counting();

        before () : initialization( {
                print(thisJoinPoint, " Interface");
        before () : initialization( {
                print(thisJoinPoint, " Interface");
        before () : initialization(
                    && !initialization( {
                print(thisJoinPoint, "=Interface");
        before() : initialization( {
                print(thisJoinPoint, "    Parent");
        before() : initialization(
                    && !initialization( {
                print(thisJoinPoint, "   =Parent");
        before() : initialization( {
                print(thisJoinPoint, "   Parent+");
        void print(JoinPoint jp, String label) {
                Signature signature = jp.getSignature();
                int line = jp.getStaticPart().getSourceLocation().getLine();
                + " ["  + line
                + "] tjp=" + jp.hashCode()
                + "] this=" + jp.getThis()
                + ", declaringType=" + signature.getDeclaringTypeName()
                + ", " + ((ConstructorSignature)signature).getConstructor());
------------Original Message------------
From: Matthew Webster <matthew_webster@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: aspectj-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, Sep-19-2006 6:14 AM
Subject: [aspectj-dev] AspectJ Runtime: Signatures for interface initialization and type staticinitialization

This discussion relates to I have also found and which concern the removal from the language of the interface constructor execution pcd. Unfortunately the documentation for this part of the API is terse and the tests almost non-existent so it is very difficult to determine the intended behaviour. One thing I am sure of: we should not return null.

There seems to be a discrepancy between classes and interfaces when it comes to the initialization join point. In the example below we advise the initialization of a single class both as an extender of Parent and an implementer of Interface:

public class Test extends Parent implements Interface {

        public static void main(String[] args) {
                new Test();


public interface Interface {

public class Parent {

public aspect Aspect {

        before () : (initialization( || initialization( && !within(Parent) {
                Signature signature = thisJoinPoint.getSignature();
                System.err.println("Aspect.before() this=" + thisJoinPoint.getThis()
                + ", signature=" + signature.getClass()
                + ", declaringType=" + thisJoinPoint.getSignature().getDeclaringTypeName()
                + ", " + ((ConstructorSignature)signature).getConstructor());


However the output in each case is different:

Aspect.before() this=Test@1833955, signature=class org.aspectj.runtime.reflect.ConstructorSignatureImpl, declaringType=Test, public Test()
Aspect.before() this=Test@1833955, signature=class org.aspectj.runtime.reflect.ConstructorSignatureImpl, declaringType=Interface, null

Firstly while the declaring type for a class initializer is the target class in the case of the interface it is not. Secondly an interface cannot have a constructor. There are two possible solutions:
1. Make the implementing type the declaring type and remove the discrepancy between class and interface.
2. Return an InitializerSignature instead of a ConstructorSignature. Unfortunately this interface has getInitializer() which also returns a java.lang.reflect.Constructor. What is slightly bizarre is that this interface is also used for staticinitializer join points and in this case the interface returns the signature for the default constructor of the target class!

Matthew Webster
AOSD Project
Java Technology Centre, MP146
IBM Hursley Park, Winchester,  SO21 2JN, England
Telephone: +44 196 2816139 (external) 246139 (internal)
Email: Matthew Webster/UK/IBM @ IBMGB, matthew_webster@xxxxxxxxxx
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