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Re: [aspectj-dev] State of AjAST

Hi Simon,

The current AST support is not fully formed, but you should be able to
get further by creating a PointcutDeclaration instead of a
DefaultPointcut. This is because a DefaultPointcut is a type of
PointcutDesignator, which cannot be added directly to a



On 09/05/06, Simon Walter <> wrote:


i fought my way through the current AST of AspectJ and tried to add
pointcuts to aspects by selecting methods in the outline-view. My main
source for this was and
org.aspectj.ajdt.core CVS sourcecode and the junit-tests.

I got all the way down from the selected method to my sample .aj file,
its aspectj sourcecode and the corresponding ast-object. So i can
create the dummy DefaultPointcut, but i can't add it to the
bodyDeclaration of the type. By doing this I get a ClassCastException.

I modified AjASTTest to show the problem. here is what i got:


// helper method
private AjAST createAjAST(int astlevel) {
        AST ast = createCU(AST.JLS3).getAST();
        assertTrue("the ast should be an instance of AjAST",ast instanceof AjAST);
        return (AjAST)ast;

// helper method
private CompilationUnit createCU(int astlevel) {
        if (astlevel != AST.JLS2 && astlevel != AST.JLS3) {
                fail("need to pass AST.JLS2 or AST.JLS3 as an argument");
        String source = "";
        ASTParser parser = ASTParser.newParser(astlevel);
        parser.setCompilerOptions(new HashMap());
        CompilationUnit cu = (CompilationUnit) parser.createAST(null);

        return cu;

public void testAddToAST() {
        CompilationUnit cu = createCU(AST.JLS3);
        AjAST ajast = (AjAST) cu.getAST();

        // aspect
        AspectDeclaration ad = ajast.newAspectDeclaration();

        // method
        MethodDeclaration md = ajast.newMethodDeclaration();

        // pc
        DefaultPointcut p = ajast.newDefaultPointcut();
        ad.bodyDeclarations().add(p); // classcastexception


Am i doing something wrong or is this as far as i can get with the
current state of AST for AspectJ?

thanks for any help on this.

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