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Re: [aspectj-dev] dynamic binding issue

"this" in an inter-type method declaration is not the
"actual" type but always the declaring type -- in your
case, AbstractElement.  So ajc is flagging a Java error;
javac would emit the same error if you wrote

   class Element extends AbstractElement {..}
   interface Visitor {
     void visit(Element e);
   AbstractElement e = ...;
   ((Visitor) something).visit(e);


ukfsn wrote:
I have the following interface:

interface Visitor {
    public void visit(Element e);

where Element extends AbstractElement.

I also have the following aspect:

aspect Visiting {
    public void AbstractElement.visit(Visitor v) {
v.visit(this); }

When I try to compiler the program I get the following error:

The method visit(Element) in the type Visitor is not applicable for the arguments (AbstractElement)
return visitor.visit(this);

Must I check the type of this in the inter-type declration and manually cast to the correct subtype?

Eric M.

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