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Re: [aspectj-dev] java.lang.instrument and the AspectJ class-loader


Java 1.5 has a java.lang.instrument package which permits the
user to register a class file transformer agent.  Given that
and the existing code available in open-source for bytecode-
weaving class loaders, I propose we reduce our deliverable for
1.2 from a class loader to a weaver interface compatible with
both and instructions for using the weaver with some
open-source classloader.

I like the idea to have an interface that can be used both for a spezialized class loader and for the new instrument package of JDK 1.5. Nevertheless I would be interested to improve the class loader implementation and contribute it to the project. (My time is extremely limited during the next weeks but I could try.) Would that be okay for the project? What is the release schedule for 1.2?

Best regards,

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