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[aspectj-dev] Bugzilla Bug 44215 : Out of Memory null pointer exceptions


I am wanted to follow up about this bug, since I haven't seen any posts
since 10/20 and I just wanted to check and see about any updates on it
since.  In particular, I was wondering if there were any workarounds or
temporary fixes that you might be able to suggest.

I have been trying to do do some weaving using AJDT 1.1.4, but have been
running into the wonderful null pointer exception caused by not enough RAM.
I have 512 MB of RAM and my project (Apache Cocoon) is ~5000 classes (48
MB), java has used over 450 MB (and still climbing..) before it throws the
null.  And because of the memory reclamation problem mentioned by Pete
Kalmus in the bug, I am forced to restart eclipse after every compile.

If there isn't a good workaround I guess the next step is for me to try and
weave it from the command line or with ant, which should buy me an extra
60-70 MB.


- Jeff

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