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Re: [aspectj-dev] another ANT/AspectJ related question...

You don't want sourceroots.

sourceroots specifies the base of a source tree,
so if you specify any parent directory of a Test
directory, the Test directory will be included.

Use the implicit fileset of the task instead.

Interestingly, there is support for specifying
argfiles, etc. as a path id, but not for the
actual source files.  I believe this is the
same as javac.  If you want to implement that
feature, please do and submit the patch to
the bug database.

Thanks -

Peter Litvak wrote:


I have a simple test target that looks like this:

  <target name="aj-compile">
   <path id="aj.path">
          <dirset dir="${src.dir}">
             <exclude name="com/**/Test"/>

<iajc destdir="${build.dir}" incremental="true" nowarn="true" verbose="true" deprecation="false" >
     <classpath refid="my.classpath"/>
     <sourceRoots refid="aj.path"/>

Why iajc still tries to compile files from Test subdirectory? Is it me missing something or
iajc just using ${src.dir} from the <dirset> and doesn't care about all nested tags e.g. exclude.

Thank you,

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