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[aspectj-dev] semantics of thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart

The programming guide says,

  thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart is bound to the static
  part of the join point enclosing the current join point.

Is it correct (and helpful) to say this?:

  thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart is bound to the static
  part of the join point which can be staticly determined
  to enclose the current join point.

If not also:

  For example, if a
  method call site is in the body of a constructor, then
  the method call join point will have as its enclosing
  join point the constructor execution join point.  If
  the enclosing join point cannot be staticly determined,
  then thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart will be the same
  as thisJoinPointStaticPart.

and in the limitations appendix:

  Implementations may vary in the static analysis to
  deduce enclosing join points, and are not required
  to evaluate scopes beyond the currently enclosing
  scope of the join point or to include implicit
  invocations resulting from instantiating instances
  or classes.

I guess this is supposed to work when the enclosing join point
is method or constructor execution or {static} initialization
and the join point is a handler, a method or constructor call,
or a field get or set?  Any other times?

If so, we might document e.g., that a method-call is
not necessarily the enclosing join point of a method-

Thanks -

---- output

     tjp: staticinitialization(AdviceExecution.<clinit>)
     ejp: staticinitialization(AdviceExecution.<clinit>)
     tjp: execution(void AdviceExecution.main(String[]))
     ejp: execution(void AdviceExecution.main(String[]))
       tjp: call(C())
       ejp: execution(void AdviceExecution.main(String[]))
         tjp: staticinitialization(C.<clinit>)
         ejp: staticinitialization(C.<clinit>)
         tjp: initialization(C())
         ejp: initialization(C())
         tjp: execution(C.<init>)
         ejp: execution(C.<init>)
         tjp: execution(C())
         ejp: execution(C())
       tjp: initialization(A())
       ejp: initialization(A())
       tjp: execution(A.<init>)
       ejp: execution(A.<init>)
       tjp: execution(A())
       ejp: execution(A())
       tjp: staticinitialization(A.<clinit>)
       ejp: staticinitialization(A.<clinit>)
       tjp: execution(ADVICE: void A.before())
       ejp: execution(ADVICE: void A.before())
         tjp: call(void A.m())
         ejp: execution(ADVICE: void A.before())
           tjp: execution(void A.m())
           ejp: execution(void A.m())
             tjp: call(java.lang.Error(String))
             ejp: execution(void A.m())
         tjp: handler(catch(Error))
         ejp: execution(ADVICE: void A.before())
         tjp: call(void A.log(Error))
         ejp: execution(ADVICE: void A.before())
           tjp: execution(void A.log(Error))
           ejp: execution(void A.log(Error))
             tjp: get(PrintStream java.lang.System.out)
             ejp: execution(void A.log(Error))
             tjp: call(String java.lang.Throwable.getMessage())
             ejp: execution(void A.log(Error))
             tjp: call(void
             ejp: execution(void A.log(Error))
Error: catch me if you can
       tjp: call(void
       ejp: execution(void AdviceExecution.main(String[]))
         tjp: execution(void
         ejp: execution(void

---- program

import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;

public class AdviceExecution {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new C().run();

class C { void run() {} }

aspect A {
    before() : call(* *(..))
        && !call(void A.m())
        && !call(void A.log(Error))
        && !withincode(void A.log(Error))
        && {
        try {
        } catch (Error e) {
    void  m() { throw new Error("catch me if you can");}
    void  log(Error e) {
            System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());

aspect JoinPointLogger {
    final String tab = "  ";
    final StringBuffer tabs = new StringBuffer();

    pointcut safety() : !within(JoinPointLogger);
    pointcut aroundsafety() : !(initialization(*.new(..))
        || handler(*)
        //|| preinitialization(*.new(..))

    before() : within(*) && safety() {
        System.out.println(tab + tabs
            + "   tjp: "
            + thisJoinPoint.toString());
        System.out.println(tab + tabs
            + "   ejp: "
            + thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart.toString());

    /** identify all join points */
    Object around() : within(*) && safety() && aroundsafety() {
        final int len = tabs.length();
        try {
            return proceed();
        } finally {

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