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[aspectj-dev] RE: [aspectj-users] java.lang.VerifyError

This is not a self-contained test case.  I get many errors for missing types, ajcBasePlanInt and ajcBaseEventInt.  Please provide these types and any more dependencies that might be required for reproducing this bug.


Errors are shown below:
C:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ can't bind type name 'ajcBaseEventInt'
C:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ can't bind type name 'ajcBasePlanInt'
C:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBasePlanInt cannot be resolved or is not a type
if( p instanceof ajcBasePlanInt ){
C:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBasePlanInt cannot be resolved or is not a type
ajcBasePlanInt pai = (ajcBasePlanInt)pa;
C:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBasePlanInt cannot be resolved or is not a type
ajcBasePlanInt pai = (ajcBasePlanInt)pa;
C:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBaseEventInt cannot be resolved or is not a type
pai.setEvent ((ajcBaseEventInt)e);
C:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBasePlanInt cannot be resolved (or is not a valid type) for the argument pai of the method ajc$before$EventTracking_display$266
before(ajcBasePlanInt pai): execution(PlanFSM body()) && target(pai){
C:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBaseEventInt cannot be resolved (or is not a valid type) for the argument ev of the method ajc$before$EventTracking_display$312
before(ajcBaseEventInt ev) : call(public * Agent.postEvent(..)) && args(ev,..)&& !this(PlanFSM){
C:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBaseEventInt cannot be resolved (or is not a valid type) for the argument ev of the method ajc$before$EventTracking_display$3c1
before(ajcBaseEventInt ev) : call(public * Agent.postEventAndWait(..)) && args(ev,..)&& this(Agent){
C:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBaseEventInt cannot be resolved (or is not a valid type) for the argument ev of the method ajc$afterReturning$EventTracking_display$456
after(ajcBaseEventInt ev, PlanFSM fsm) returning(): call(public * Agent.postEvent(..)) && args(ev,..) && this(fsm)  {
C:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBaseEventInt cannot be resolved (or is not a valid return type) for the method handled_event278
ajcBaseEventInt React.handled_event;
C:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBaseEventInt cannot be resolved (or is not a valid return type) for the method getEvent3a3
public ajcBaseEventInt React.getEvent(){
C:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBaseEventInt cannot be resolved (or is not a valid type) for the argument e of the method setEvent3e1
public void React.setEvent(ajcBaseEventInt e){
result: false
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: unexpected errors: [error at c:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ can't bind type name 'ajcBaseEventInt', error at c:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ can't bind type name 'ajcBasePlanInt', error at if( p instanceof ajcBasePlanInt ){
c:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBasePlanInt cannot be resolved or is not a type, error at ajcBasePlanInt pai = (ajcBasePlanInt)pa;
c:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBasePlanInt cannot be resolved or is not a type, error at ajcBasePlanInt pai = (ajcBasePlanInt)pa;
c:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBasePlanInt cannot be resolved or is not a type, error at pai.setEvent ((ajcBaseEventInt)e);
c:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBaseEventInt cannot be resolved or is not a type, error at before(ajcBasePlanInt pai): execution(PlanFSM body()) && target(pai){
c:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBasePlanInt cannot be resolved (or is not a valid type) for the argument pai of the method ajc$before$EventTracking_display$266, error at before(ajcBaseEventInt ev) : call(public * Agent.postEvent(..)) && args(ev,..)&& !this(PlanFSM){
c:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBaseEventInt cannot be resolved (or is not a valid type) for the argument ev of the method ajc$before$EventTracking_display$312, error at before(ajcBaseEventInt ev) : call(public * Agent.postEventAndWait(..)) && args(ev,..)&& this(Agent){
c:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBaseEventInt cannot be resolved (or is not a valid type) for the argument ev of the method ajc$before$EventTracking_display$3c1, error at after(ajcBaseEventInt ev, PlanFSM fsm) returning(): call(public * Agent.postEvent(..)) && args(ev,..) && this(fsm)  {
c:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBaseEventInt cannot be resolved (or is not a valid type) for the argument ev of the method ajc$afterReturning$EventTracking_display$456, error at ajcBaseEventInt React.handled_event;
c:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBaseEventInt cannot be resolved (or is not a valid return type) for the method handled_event278, error at public ajcBaseEventInt React.getEvent(){
c:\aspectj\scratch\jacks\ ajcBaseEventInt cannot be resolved (or is not a valid return type) for the method getEvent3a3, error at public void React.setEvent(ajcBaseEventInt e){

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Feilong Chen [mailto:f0c5023@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 12:10 PM
> To: Jim.Hugunin@xxxxxxxx; aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [aspectj-users] java.lang.VerifyError
> Hi, Jim,
> I was using 1.1rc2.
> Attached is a .zip file that contains a test case, including a .jar file
> which is needed for compile the test case.
> Hope this helps.
> Feilong
> >From: Jim.Hugunin@xxxxxxxx
> >Reply-To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >Subject: RE: [aspectj-users] java.lang.VerifyError
> >Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 09:17:01 PDT
> >
> >This looks a lot like a bug in rc1 that was fixed in rc2.
> >
> >Can you verify that you're really running 1.1rc2? Make sure that "ajc
> -version" returns 1.1rc2. If you're seeing this in rc2 it's a serious bug
> that we need to address before the final release. Please file a bug report
> ASAP and include either a minimal test case to reproduce the bug or as
> much detailed information as possible if you can't create a minimal test
> case.
> >
> >-Jim
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: feilong chen [mailto:cfeifei@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> >Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2003 2:01 PM
> >To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >Subject: [aspectj-users] java.lang.VerifyError
> >
> >Hi,
> >I got java.lang.VerifyError when running a program weaven by
> aspectj1.1rc2. I don't know what's it mean. Could anybody explain to me,
> please?
> >Thanks a lot.
> >Feilong
> >below is the error message.
> >
> >Task terminated because of uncaught exception --
> >java.lang.VerifyError: (class:
> LeakManager/ControlEstablish_dummyPlan$__bodyFS
> > method: run signature: (I)I) Inconsistent stack height 0 != 1
> >-- Initiated by:
> >ManageLeakAlarm:e66f56:0-- LeakManager/ManageLeakAlarm.event [SUBTASK]
> >-- Thrown by:
> >BDIGoalBehavior:11f23e5:0-- BDIGoalBehavior [START]
> > LeakManager/ManageLeakAlarm.event [SUBTASK]
> > BDIGoalBehavior [SUBTASK]
> > LeakManager/ManageLeakAlarmPlan.plan:70 body [19]
> > LeakManager/ControlEstablish.event [SUBTASK]
> > &nbs p; BDIGoalBehavior [START]
> >java.lang.VerifyError: (class:
> LeakManager/ControlEstablish_dummyPlan$__bodyFS
> > method: run signature: (I)I) Inconsistent stack height 0 != 1
> > at LeakManager.ControlEstablish_dummyPlan.body(ControlEstablish_dummyP
> >
> > at aos.jack.jak.plan.Plan.getBody(
> > at aos.jack.jak.logic.Signature.instantiate(
> > at aos.jack.jak.behaviors.bdi.BDIBehavior.postSubtask(
> > at aos.jack.jak.behaviors.bdi.BDIBehavior.pickPlan(
> > at
> > at aos.jack.jak.task.Task.qrrWRNd(
> > at aos.jack.jak.agent.Agent.Lqn cqpr(
> > at aos.jack.jak.agent.Agent.nBPqncw(
> > at
> > at aos.jack.jak.scheduler.D1BP$
> >
> >
> > _____
> >
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> >_______________________________________________ aspectj-users mailing
> list aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx

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