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[aspectj-dev] 1.1rc2


Thanks Wes for pointing out the problems with the links. I incorporated your improvements into a new 1.1rc2 build which is now available in the org.aspectj/releases/aspectj-1.1rc2 folder on CVS. I also had a look through some of the docs and found several more broken links in README-11.html (wrong URL to bugs database), README-AspectJ.html (wrong relative URLs to doc/index.html and examples), doc/index.html (wrong URLs to bugs database and mailing lists) and doc/faq.html (wrong URL to the bugs database plus stale links to Jikes and IBM SDK downloads). Seeing as I had the opportunity, I also corrected these links in the new build. Apologies for not consulting first - the opportunity presented itself so...

While the changes between yesterday's and today's builds are purely docs tweaks, I am a deeply sad individual and still ran the new build through the test suites. Everything (JUnit tests and harness tests) passed on Sun 131, Sun 141 and IBM 131. The test results have been updated accordingly in CVS. 

The new jar was successfully installed on my Linux box (Red Hat 8.0) and all of the post-installation tests completed OK. 

This new build was carried out on a 1.3.1 JDK and the CVS extract was done at about 1:00pm BST today.

The new aspectj-1.1rc2.jar is also available for download at

Finally, a couple of small observations. When installing on Linux the splash screen got initialised as a very tiny panel that required re-sizing before the install process could continue. Has anyone else seen this before ? The JVM was an IBM 131 and the desktop was Gnome. Also, as Wes pointed out a few days back, Spacewar doesn't have the correct focus setup when running on Sun 141 due to the changes made to AWT in that release. From what I can tell, it's no big deal to sort this - the spacewar.SWFrame constructor just needs an extra 141 method call added to it [ just after the line "toFront();" add the line "display.requestFocusInWindow();" - this works for me] which sounds straightforward to add before 1.1 final. Or else we risk incurring the wrath of Spacewar fans everywhere !

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