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Re: [aspectj-dev] Aspect per object instance

Wes Isberg wrote:

Quick notes:

- consider declaring the methods on the target class instead (untested):

 aspect A {
   public void Subject.notifyObservers(Event ev) { ... }
   after(Subject o,Event e) returning : updateObserver(o,e) {

- or, do pertarget aspects work for you?

- See also the patterns implemented by Jan Hanneman
 (need to search the old users@xxxxxxxxxxx for the link)
 and the observer example in the aspectJ distribution,
 if you haven't already.


"Enrique J. Amodeo Rubio" wrote:

I have a question about aspect instantiation, how can I have an aspect
instance per each object of a determinated class? In this way we could
create an aspect like the following (some sintax, like perobject are

public abstract aspect SubjectObserverProtocol perobject(Subject+)
   private Set observers = new HashSet();
   public void notifyObservers(Event ev)
       Iterator it=observers.iterator();

   public void addObserver(Observer o)

   // follows point-cuts and advice to capture when is necesary to
   // update the subject.

   pointcut abstract updateObserver(Subject o,Event e);
   protected abstract void update(Observer o,Event ev);
   void after(Subject o,Event e) : updateObserver(o,e)

It should be a concrete aspect implementing updateObserver and update
method for each. Subject and Observer are empty interfaces. An important
point is avoiding collisions.

Does anybody know how to do this with aspectJ? Is necesary add more
functionality like the perobject keyword? Is there any work-around or
idiom? I feel there should be a good way to implement this kind of
functionality in an elegant way using aspectJ.

Thank you in advance,

   Enrique J. Amodeo Rubio

aspectj-dev mailing list
aspectj-dev mailing list

Thank you for your information. I will search the pattern you said. The first solution don't work for me because I don't want introduce public methods which can cause colision with other introductions in other aspects or methods in the class itself. I will search the pertarget keyword in the docs, it seems that it will work. Thanks.

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