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[aspectj-announce] MODULARITY: aosd 2012 - Announcement of Student Events

                      << ANNOUNCEMENT OF STUDENT EVENTS >> 


 11th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development 
                         MODULARITY: aosd 2012

                     Announcement of Student Events


                           March 25-30, 2012 
                Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam, Germany


We'd like to announce the student events for the upcoming MODULARITY: 
aosd 2012 conference. These events are a valuable experience to meet 
other students, to identify new research ideas, and to present results 
to other researchers. 

*** Student Grants for AOSD Registration ***

We are happy to announce that AOSD Europe will fund up to 10 grants 
supporting student registrations for MODULARITY: aosd 2012. We target 
a balanced mix of European countries and select students based on 
received applications (a short motivation letter with no more than 
250 words).

Please note: The grants are limited to students from European 
universities (independent of nationality). A grant includes 250€ 
that will only be reimbursed after a student has registered for 
the full conference (350€).

Please, apply for a grant by e-mail (students@xxxxxxxx) until 
February 20th, 2012.

Student Forum / Spring School (full-day) - Sunday March 25th

The Student Forum will take place on the Sunday preceding the 
conference to allow students to meet other students before the main 
conference begins. As in previous years, the Student Forum will be an 
interactive format that allows students to interact brainstorm 
innovative ways that AOSD research interests intersect. Students will 
also have the opportunity to hear from and ask questions of domain 
experts both in a panel and small group settings.

Please register for the student forum by use of the AOSD registration 
system or e-mail (students@xxxxxxxx) not later than March 18th, 2012.

Student Poster Session (at the workshop reception) - Monday March 26th

The Poster Event is always one of the most exciting and well attended 
social events of the conference. This event, held during the workshop 
reception on Monday, allows students to present their research to 
conference attendees while mingling in a social setting. Students that 
participate in both the Student Forum and the Poster Event have the 
added advantage of already knowing other participants. Do not miss out 
on this opportunity to take your research to the next level, clarify 
problem statements, vet solutions, identify evaluation methods or just 
prepare for your dissertation.

You can submit a poster by e-mail (students@xxxxxxxx) until February 29th, 2012. 

Student Research Competition - Monday March 26th / Wednesday March 28th

AOSD is hosting an ACM SIGPLAN Student Research Competition. The 
competition, sponsored by Microsoft Research, is an internationally-
recognized venue that enables undergraduate and graduate students to 
experience the research world, share their research results with other 
students and AOSD attendees, and compete for prizes. The ACM SIGPLAN 
Student Research Competition shares the Poster session's goal to 
facilitate students' interaction with researchers and industry 
practitioners; providing both sides with the opportunity to learn of 
ongoing, current research. Additionally, the Student Research 
Competition affords students with experience with both formal 
presentations and evaluations.

The first and second round will take place as follows: 

First Round (Posters): 
    Monday March 26th, 2012 (at the workshop reception)
Second Round (Presentations): 
    Wednesday March 28th, 2012 (early afternoon)

Student participants:

* A Unified Formal Model for Service Oriented Architecture to Enforce Security Contracts
    Diana Allam
* Compositional Verification of Events and Aspects
    Cynthia Disenfeld
* Controlling Aspects with Membranes
    Ismael Figueroa
* Aspect-Oriented Framework for Developing Dynamic Contents
    Kohei Nagashima
* Tearing Down The Multicore Barrier For Web Applications
    Jens Nicolay
* Adding high-level concurrency to EScala
    Jurgen M. Van Ham
* A Scalable and Accurate Approach Based on Count Matrix for Detection Code Clones and Aspects
    Yang Yuan


For more information please visit:

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask (students@xxxxxxxx).
We are looking forward to your participation.

Best regards,
Hidehiko Masuhara and Michael Perscheid
AOSD 2012 Student Events Co-Chairs

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