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Re: [amp-dev] Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: Compilable Source Code of AMP

It's mixed. Some of them are tests, some are examples, some are used for build dependencies, and some (like repast) are not currently maintained and then some are completely bogus. We should probably clean the latter category out. :) But yes, the really nice thing about Buckminster is that it only gets the stuff that you have actually specified that you need for a build based on the dependency chain. That means that for example if you were doing a feature build that required examples (and we will need to do this) then when you add that feature to the buckminster target build that will get imported on resolution as well.

On Apr 12, 2011, at 12:17 AM, Jonas Ruettimann wrote:

I haven't even tried to access the web site CVS. Could you give me more information about that?

In order not to interfere with the Hudson job, I guess we'll just stick with the current solution. I'm not a big fan of "readme" files. No one reads those, like you said.

I notices something else... Not all projects from Git are being imported by Buckminster into the workspace. Are they not needed at all? Should they be deleted? Here's a list of all projects that are not imported:
org.eclipse.amp.doc.all-feature (from all-feature directory)
org.eclipse.amp.doc.all-feature (from source-feature directory)

Von:        Miles Parker <milesparker@xxxxxxxxx>
An:        Jonas Ruettimann <jonas.ruettimann@xxxxxxx>
Kopie:        amp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Datum:        12.04.2011 00:34
Betreff:        Re: Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: Compilable Source Code of AMP

That's great. It's such a relief not having to be the only person dealing with this stuff. Let's update the developer documentation. Do you have access to the web site cvs?

On Apr 11, 2011, at 8:05 AM, Jonas Ruettimann wrote:
By the way I stumbled over three other things:

i. This repository seems to be working but it also seems to be deprecated:
git:// --> delete it?

Yes, that's a general problem. I just did a bug for it:

ii. Why do "" have to be set in "amp.cquery" and "amp-platform.cquery"?? Why not use "" in the first place (as a relative path)?

I was worried that that would interfere with the Hudson job and as I have had so many rounds with that I've been reluctant to do anything that would cause it to fail again. But yes, I'm sure there is a better way to do this. It can be set for Buckminster directly, or we could put the instructions in a .txt file the way that xtext does, but know one ever reads those.

iii. In "org.eclipse.amp.releng/releng/amp.rmap" you're using "${workspace.root}/org.eclipse.amp" as value for "checkout.location". This is only correct under the assumption that AMP sources have been checked out into your workspace. --> see 4.

Yes, but you can override that property. We could also change the defaults. Note that you can checkout into anywhere you want, and in fact the location is different for the Hudson build IIRC.

Here's the new protocol:


1. Install Eclipse IDE

Download and unzip from
* Eclipse Modeling Indigo (3.7) M6a

2. Install Team-Plugins

Eclipse Marketplace... -> select to install:

* Subversive - SVN Team Provider

* EGit - Git Team Provider

Finish Wizard.

3. Install Buckminster

Install new software -> New update Site:


* Buckminster - Core

* Buckminster - PDE Support

* Buckminster - Git Support

* Buckminster - CVS Support

* Buckminster - SVN Support (Subversive)

Finish Wizard.

4. Get AMP sources

Open view "Git Repositories" and hit "Clone a Git Repository and add the clone to this view".

Use URL:


Select branch:

* master

As destination make sure you're using this directory <your-workspace-root>/org.eclipse.amp!

Finish Wizard, wait for jobs to be done.

5. Create a new target platform

Create a generic project called "TP". Under target platforms preferences, create a new empty target platform. Set that as the active target platform. Switch to "Locations" tab and add the "TP" directory to it:

* ${workspace_loc}/TP

6. Import releng project

Import... -> Projects from Git -> choose AMP repository -> select only:

* org.eclipse.amp/releng/org.eclipse.amp.releng

Ignore error: "Build error: does not exist (org.eclipse.amp.releng)"

7. Materialize using Buckminster

Open in project org.eclipse.amp.releng:

* releng/amp-platform.cquery

* releng/amp.cquery

In both files, on the Main tab in the Properties section use the file dialog to select this file:

* releng/

Hit "Resolve and Materialize" on both files, wait patiently... ¦¬]


Materialization works! You rule, Miles!! :-D


Miles Parker <milesparker@xxxxxxxxx>
Jonas Ruettimann <jonas.ruettimann@xxxxxxx>
AMP developer mailing list <amp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
08.04.2011 18:47
Re: Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: Compilable Source Code of AMP

OK Jonas,

A couple of things... [cc'ing in amp developer list].. please see notes about your steps and then suggestions for proceeding.

Download Eclipse Modeling Indigo (3.7) M6a

Install via Eclipse Marketplace:
* Subversive - SVN Team Provider
* EGit - Git Team Provider

[That's a good way to do it as well.]

Install new software -> New update Site:
Select and install:
* Buckminster - Core
* Buckminster - PDE Support
* Buckminster - SVN Support (Subversive)

[You need Git support! You might as well get CVS while you're at it -- I'm not sure if we have dependencies or not.]

SVN Repository Browser -> New Repository Location:

[Nope! Buckminster should do this for you.]

Pull latest AMP-updates from Git (from outside Eclipse).

[Do this from within Eclipse using the Egit "clone a repository" functionality. You want them in your git workspace. I'm not positive that this is necessary but it makes process go a lot more smoothly.]

Import Projects from Git -> choose AMP repository -> select only
* org.eclipse.amp/releng/org.eclipse.amp.releng

// TODO: Build error: does not exist (org.eclipse.amp.releng)

Yep, I don't know what the story is with that. It's not really an error because there isn't anything expected in there. But we could see what other releng projects have there.

Open in project org.eclipse.amp.releng:
* releng/amp-platform.cquery
* releng/amp.cquery

In both files, on the Main tab in the Properties section use the file dialog to select this file:
* releng/

Hit this button on both files:
* Resolve and Materialize

E     [0001] : Rejecting provider git({0},{1}/features/{2}-feature[C:/daten_ruj/Eclipse-Workspaces/AMP-Workspace/org.eclipse.amp,org.eclipse.amp/features/]): No component match was found: No reader type with id git has been registered with extension-point org.eclipse.buckminster.core.readerTypes

See step 3 above -- you need to install the git support for buckminster.



On Apr 8, 2011, at 1:07 AM, Jonas Ruettimann wrote:

Hi Miles,

I've tried to follow the steps you've describes to get my IDE working. It worked great until materializing amp.cquery. I've written a log file with every step I made so far. There are a couple of things I added to your plan. But basically, it's exactly the same.

There are also two log files attached to this mail. The first one is the console output from materializing amp-platform.cquery. There are some warning but I guess they're not critical. The second log file is the console output from meaterializing amp.cquery. There are errors in it and I haven't got a clue how to resolve them. Any ideas?

Cheers, Jonas


Jonas Rüttimann
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Fon +41 71 226 12 29
Fax +41 71 226 12 13

FHS St.Gallen, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
IMS-FHS | Poststrasse 28 | Postfach 1664 | 9001 St.Gallen | Switzerland

FHO Fachhochschule Ostschweiz


Jonas Rüttimann
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Fon +41 71 226 12 29
Fax +41 71 226 12 13

FHS St.Gallen, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
IMS-FHS | Poststrasse 28 | Postfach 1664 | 9001 St.Gallen | Switzerland

FHO Fachhochschule Ostschweiz

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