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[amalgam-dev] Re: oAW in Amalgam

Hi Rich,

the code we're talking about is integration code like:

- an oAW perspective
- wizards covering several components at once
- cheat sheets and documentation covering the whole stack

Would it be possible to have such code in a CVS under amalgamation?


> As for the remaining glue code, I can't imagine there is much here. I'd > like to see a base set of Modeling glue that can be used by adopters, with > perhaps some specific code to accompany each distro. In the case of oAW, > how is it not just a general Modeling collection that favors Xpand over JET, > Xtend over ATL, Xtext over TCS, etc.? As discussed at EclipseCon, why not a > general solution that enables/disables capabilities to allow the user to > select the tool collection they prefer? In this way, each distro may define
> a set of defaults, and perhaps some minimal branding.

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