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RE: [alf-dev] Availability of POC infrastructure pieces?

Hi Matt,

Sorry about the confusion, the intent was a "quick and dirty" how-to
requiring little additional coding.  Allow me to try to make tidy with
more details.  ALF will be releasing clean samples and installation
documentation shortly.

<2. Not sure what the proper contents of the>

I used a daily rolling logger.  ALF by informal convention logs to an
alf_event.log file.  Here are the properties I used:

# Setup ALF Rolling Logs to CATALINA_HOME/bin/alf_event.log 
# Use A2 DailyRollingFileAppender

log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, A2

# Available levels are DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL 
# # # A2 is a DailyRollingFileAppender #

log4j.appender.A2.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5p %d{ISO8601} [%t] - %m%n

<This dumps to the Tomcat console window and does not create any
alf_event.log, nor does it dump anything into the tomcat temp dir...>

The activeBPEL asyncEcho sample writes an async_service_debug.txt log
file to Catalina_home/temp.  You can read more about the sample
asyncEcho at:

This log file contains lifecycle messages about the echo-receiving
thread.  It's a good way to help verify the process was executed

<4. When I run the soap_client, I do get some activity on the Tomcat
console log, followed by an uncaught Java exception:>

Yes, this is the "dirty" part.  I used the activeBPEL soap client to
only kick off the event manager to bpel engine interaction, the logs and
tcpmon can then be used to verify proper operation by monitoring SOAP
messages on the wire and thread activity.

Here's how to do this:

You can point the service flow in to port 8081:

Temporarily comment out the response to the soap client in
//ALFEventManagerUtils.createResponse(res, soapMessage, soapEnvelope); 
We aren't exchanging ALF messages with the client here, so this is
temporary expedient to clean up some error messages.

Run tcpmon listening on 8081 and forward to 8080:
java -cp %YOUR_AXIS_CLASSPATH% org.apache.axis.utils.tcpmon

Run the soap client pointing to event manager on port 8081:

After you invoke, you should see the expected SOAP message interactions
in the tcpmon gui:
activeBPEL soap client -> ALFEventMgr (post echo input) 
ALFEventMgr -> BPEL Engine (post echo input) 
BPEL Engine -> ALFEventMgr (echo response)

Disregard "premature end of file..." error from the activeBPEL soap
client.  You can tinker with the code some more and reply to the
activeBPEL soap client, but the main interest is a gross functional
check that the EventManager and BPEL engine are coarsely integrated and
some exposure to the code.


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