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[alf-dev] Authentication and Single Signon


After a pause I am finally getting back to looking at ALF security.

It appears to me that the discussion as to what "cross-tool" authentication mechanisms to offer depends on the context, i.e. usage scenarios, within which ALF is intended to be used.

Following are several usage scenarios that came to mind. I am wondering which one are intended to be supported:

ALF installation site

A1. ALF is locally installed and used by a single user on his/her workstation

A2. ALF is installed on a server and is used in an organizational context.

A3. Several ALF instances are used some installed locally others centrally on a server.

ALM Tool location

T1. ALM tools are installed locally and used by single users
T2. ALM tools are installed on central servers within an organization and used by many users T3. ALM tools are installed on 3rd party vendor sites and accessible across firewalls

Tools security needs
S1. ALM tool requires authentication
S2. ALM tool does not require authentication

User trust level

Tr1. ALM tool user trusts ALM tool (providers) and is willing to submit user id and password Tr2. ALM tool user does not trust ALM tool (providers) and is only willing to pass ticket-based credentials, that can be authenticated centrally.

It appears that only within a usage environment of (A1) single sign on makes most sense. I.e where ALF is installed locally at one users workstation, and is orchestrating local as well as centralized tools.

In all other cases either providing a managed multi-user sign-on solution or having a "configured" ALF user (as mentioned by Tim in a previous posting), whose credentials are always used for tool sign-on when called from within an ALF service flow, makes sense.

The issue of whether there is a need for a central authentication service seems to depend on the trust level (Tr1) or (Tr2). If trust is given then ALF can pass along userid and passwords, otherwise ALF may want to provide, or at least passing along, credential tickets from a centralized authentication service.

appreciating any comments,


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