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[ajdt-dev] Issue with generics, possibly AJDT related?

Hello everyone,

Background on this e-mail can be found especially at this posting:
as well as at this bug report:

But I will try to recap everything here.

Essentially I tried creating an Eclipse AspectJ project with just one MyAspect.aj file (in the default namespace) with the following contents (toy example):

public aspect MyAspect
    public interface MyInterface

    declare parents: MyObject implements MyInterface;

    public boolean MyInterface.instanceOf(Class<? extends Object> c)
        return c.isInstance(this);

class MyObject

class Main
    public static void main(String[] args)
        new MyObject().instanceOf(MyObject.class);

I get, over "instanceOf" in the main method, the following error: "The method instanceOf(Class<Object>) from the type MyObject refers to the missing type Object". Notice that it is declared as Class<? extends Object> but during weaving becomes Class<Object>.

Here is my setup:

* Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger
* Eclipse Galileo
* Mac OS X JavaVM 1.5.0 (J2SE-1.5)
* AspectJ 1.6.6
* AJDT 2.0.1

I downloaded the standalone aspectj-1.6.6.jar at, installed it correctly, and ran the command "ajc -1.5 MyAspect.aj -showWeaveInfo" and it didn't give me that error (or any other error). What it did give me was the following:

Type 'MyAspect$MyInterface' (MyAspect.aj) has intertyped method from 'MyAspect' (MyAspect.aj:'boolean MyAspect$MyInterface.instanceOf(java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.Object>)')

Extending interface set for type 'MyObject' (MyAspect.aj) to include 'MyAspect$MyInterface' (MyAspect.aj)

Type 'MyObject' (MyAspect.aj) has intertyped method from 'MyAspect' (MyAspect.aj:'boolean MyAspect$MyInterface.instanceOf(java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.Object>)')

So I think there is a disconnect between how ajc behaves on the command line and how ajdt behaves in Eclipse. I'd be particularly curious to know if there are any setups possible that would get Eclipse to weave this properly. Right now I am removing a ton of generics from my project, but you can obviously understand that I would prefer to keep them around if at all possible. :)

Thank you,


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