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Re: [ajdt-dev] AspectJ Perspective?

On 7/18/06, Matt Chapman <mpchapman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 18/07/06, Alexandru Popescu
<the.mindstorm.mailinglist@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Can you detail this? I never got F3 working on the AJ editor. This one is
one of the most heard complaints in my team.

There are many different combinations, but to give some examples, the
following cases work for me with Eclipse 3.2 + AJDT 1.4, using the Spacewar

Same env here, but with my project F3 is completely unusable from
withing .aj files.

Where can I download this example from? (sorry if stupid question).

.w( the_mindstorm )p.

1). open Display.aj in the AJ editor, go to line 109 and F3 on "Display1"
     - Display1.aj is then opened (a class defined in a .aj file, referred
to from a .aj file)
2). open in the Java editor, go to line 158 and F3 on "Ship"
     - Ship.aj is then opened (a class defined in a .aj file, referred to
from a .java file)
3). open Ship.aj at line 24 and F3 on "SpaceObject"
     - is then opened (a class defined in a .java file,
referred to from a .aj file)
4) open Coordinator.aj at line 69 and F3 on the "synchronizationPoint"
    - the pointcut declaration in the same file is selected
5) open EnsureShipIsAlive.aj at line 30 and F3 on the "Ship.helmCommandsCut
" pointcut
    - Ship.aj is then opened (a pointcut defined in a class)

Please raise bugs for combinations which don't work for you.

> Alt-Shift-A should be read: open type (including  aspects), because it
shows the Java types too. Now, I wonder if I remap Ctrl-Shift-T to Open
AspectJ Type is this gonna work even if I don't have AJ enabled projects?

Well, both classes and aspects are AspectJ types. Yes, Open AspectJ Type
(whatever key binding it has) is a full superset to Open Java Type, so it
will find classes in plain Java projects.



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