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[ajdt-dev] crossreferences and gutter for advice


I have an aspect declaring multiple ITDs and the following advice:


    before(DialogSuper dialog, String stringValue):
        execution(void setValue(String)) && this(dialog) && args(stringValue)
        if(L.isDebugEnabled()) {
            L.debug("before(): setting '" + stringValue
                + "' in dialogsuper[" + dialog.getName() + "]@" + dialog.hashCode());
        ((INavigableModelAwareWidget) dialog).setWidgetValue(stringValue);

and some ITD-s declared in this aspect.

The inpath is set using the AspectJ InPath properties to another project build dir.

Both, the ITDs and the advice are working as expected, but I cannot see any gutter markers for the advice, nor any information in the Cross References view. The ITDs are correctly shown in both gutter and Cross References.

Am I doing something wrong? Is this a know limitation?

many thanks and sorry if I have missed some documentation part on this (I have already said in some other thread that sometimes is happening :-S).

.w( the_mindstorm )p.

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