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[ajdt-dev] what is the @dot?


Still trying ... I think I have figured out what the problems might be:

1/ nothing gets built in the @dot directory

2/ this can be seen in all build.xml:

		<property name="aspectj.plugin.home" value="../../plugins/org.aspectj.ajde_1.5.0.20051010144227/"/>
		<property name="aspectj.weaver.home" value="../../plugins/org.aspectj.weaver_1.5.0.20051010144227/"/>
		<taskdef resource="org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/">
				<pathelement path="${aspectj.plugin.home}/ajde.jar"/>
				<pathelement path="${aspectj.weaver.home}/aspectjweaver.jar"/>

Those paths _do not exist_.

3/ sometimes I am seeing this error:

       [echo] Running @dot on visualizer.
[mkdir] Created dir: D:\workspace\java\cvsprojects\eclipse\org.eclipse.ajdt\AJDT_src\org.eclipse.contribution.visualiser\temp-folder\@dot.bin [iajc] forking [C:\java\jdks\jdk1.5.0_05\jre\bin\javaw.exe, -Xmx512m, -classpath, D:\workspace\java\cvsprojects\eclipse\org.eclipse.ajdt\AJDT_src\org.aspectj.runtime\aspectjrt.jar;D:\workspace\java\cvsprojects\eclipse\org.eclipse.ajdt\AJDT_src\org.aspectj.ajde\ajde.jar;D:\workspace\java\cvsprojects\eclipse\org.eclipse.ajdt\AJDT_src\org.aspectj.weaver\aspectjweaver.jar,, -argfile, D:\java\jed\eclipse_3.1.1\argfile25237]
        [iajc] unexpected exception
        [iajc] Exception thrown from AspectJ DEVELOPMENT
        [iajc] This might be logged as a bug already -- find current bugs at
        [iajc] Bugs for exceptions thrown have titles File:line from the top stack,
        [iajc] e.g., ""
        [iajc] If you don't find the exception below in a bug, please add a new bug
        [iajc] at
        [iajc] To make the bug a priority, please include a test program
        [iajc] that can reproduce this exception.
        [iajc] org/eclipse/core/runtime/OperationCanceledException
        [iajc] org/eclipse/core/runtime/OperationCanceledException
        [iajc] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/core/runtime/OperationCanceledException
        [iajc] 	at org.aspectj.ajdt.ajc.AjdtCommand.runCommand(
        [iajc] 	at
        [iajc] 	at
        [iajc] 	at

I really need some help. Any hints and guidance is highly appreciated.

.w( the_mindstorm )p.

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