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[ajdt-dev] Work begins on the Vancouver code base tomorrow...

Today George and I fixed the building of the plugins as part of the AspectJ build. Tomorrow we begin on the creation of a clean, unit-tested base for AJDT going forward. George has also found a way that we can run PDE JUnit tests from outside of Eclipse so we'll get the basic continuous integration going with one simple plugin and one test, and make sure we can build and test via cruise control.

Our CVS repository is a mess. The first generation AJDT was created straight under org.aspectj.ajdt. The second major generation was created in the plugins and features subdirectories. As we pull things across, our plan is to create a fresh directory root: org.aspectj.ajdt/AJDT_GEN3 and put the various projects (as outlined in yesterdays posts) directly under there. Then we'll need a great big README that tells people how to navigate. We'll then migrate function from the current plugins into GEN3 on an incremental basis, writing the tests first before we pull things across.

If anyone has a counter-proposal for where to place the GEN3 projects please speak now....
Cheers, Adrian.

-- Adrian

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