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[ajdt-dev] bug fixes

The following P2 AspectJ and AJDT bugs have been resolved.


39959: AJC Compiler generates invalid class files under certain
- Fixed with George.  This problem occurred when a command line compile did
not specify a "-classpath" option.  In that case BuildArgParser loaded
System.getProperty("java.class.path").  However, in the launch script
aspectjtools.jar is already added to the VM's classpath.  We remove all
occurrences of "aspectjtools.jar" from the detected classpath.  This should
enable bootstrapping ajc.

39626: Compiler error when compiling a buggy class 
- Fixed.  Added AsmBuilderTest class that tests handling for this and
related null parameters.

39170: Problem with aspectJforBuilder when using with JBuilder9
- Fixed. We now support JBuilder9.  However, API incompatabilities mean that
the AJDE OpenTool that supports JBuilder9 will not work for JBuilder8 and

39974: Some strange error when compiling the observer example with JBuilder7
integrated AJDE 
- Fixed with George.  Improving error handling in ASMBuilder.

38717: ".lst" file parsing errors should include sourceline information 
- Fixed with George.  ".lst" file errors now have proper source locations
that the IDEs can seek (fyi no line info, just file info).

40194: error handling during build config parsing 
- Fixed with George.  IDEs now report ".lst" file parsing errors.

40256: need incremental compilation restrictions blurb 
- Fixed.

40824: asm treats "declare parents" as methods 
- Fixed with Matthew.

- Added a join point collector sample for Matthew (extends ajc's Main) to
- Updated changes.html for 1.1.1rc1.


40492: Error creating the build configuration file 
- Resolved (invalid).

40448: handle a missing output folder properly 
- Fixed with Matthew.

Also added more test projects for the above bugs, and started using
"script.txt" in the project root in order to document how to replicate the
bug (and facilitate future automation).

Getting there!



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