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[aether-users] Snapshot normalization

Hi everyone,

I've noticed something strange while implementing IDE support for Leiningen, a Clojure build tool based on Aether. When users depend on explicit snapshot versions, such as 0.1.5-20151023.100204-2 rather than 0.1.5-SNAPSHOT, the resolve returns an Artifact containing a baseVersion of 0.1.5-SNAPSHOT and a version of 0.1.5-20151023.100204-2, but the file always points to the generic -SNAPSHOT jar. If I understand correctly this means that they'll always get the latest snapshot and not the explicit one they requested.

Looking at the code, this seems to be controlled by the DefaultArtifactResolver.CONFIG_PROP_SNAPSHOT_NORMALIZATION flag on the system session, which defaults to true. Is my understanding correct - unless this flag is explicitly set on the system session, then the jar versions will always correspond to the base version?


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