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Re: [aether-users] Maven Extension Plugins and use of Aether

FTR, created


On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Benjamin Bentmann <bentmann@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Tamás Cservenák wrote:

A type incompatibility occured while executing
org.eclipse.aether.internal.impl.ObjectPool cannot be cast to

I fixed that problem by making all Ecipse Aether (and Maven Core) related
dependencies scoped as "provided".

Considering the offending class, excluding aether-impl from your plugin dependencies should be an alternative workaround.

I suggest to fill a bug against Maven core, requesting to import org.eclipse.aether.internal.impl into plugin realms, thereby restoring Maven 3.0.x style behavior which imports org.sonatype.aether.impl and sub packages (especially o.s.a.impl.internal which after the move to Eclipse is no longer a sub package of o.e.a.impl).

So, a question: is the POM excerpt on that wiki page actually missing a
"provided" scope for Aether dependencies?

No, the two Aether dependencies listed on that wiki page are given with correct scopes.

On a side note (a bit off topic for Aether list): I thought that Maven will
"filter out" dependencies that are already in core (like Aether), and will
provide them to plugin from core... Does it mean that filtering does not
work for extensions?

You're correct, this question if off topic for the Aether user list and belongs on the Maven user list instead.


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