Bug 64340

Summary: Classes at root of project are not showing up in the Open Type dialog
Product: [Eclipse Project] PDE Reporter: Phil Loats <loats>
Component: UIAssignee: JDT-Core-Inbox <jdt-core-inbox>
Status: RESOLVED FIXED QA Contact:
Severity: normal    
Priority: P3 CC: jeffmcaffer, John_Wiegand, mpcarl, pascal, philippe_mulet, tjwatson, wassim.melhem
Version: 3.0   
Target Milestone: 3.0   
Hardware: PC   
OS: Windows XP   
Description Flags
two projects that demostrate the problem
deployable plugin that demostrates the problem none

Description Phil Loats CLA 2004-05-27 10:39:08 EDT
I have taken a generic OSGI bundle (eSWT to be exact), created a directory in
the eclipse runtime ("/eclipse/plugins/com.ibm.eswt", unziped the OSGI jar
bundle in this directory.  The META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file contains the line
"Bundle-ClassPath: .".  When building a custom plugin that requires eSWT, the
PDE reports problems that it can not resolve anything from the OSGI bundle.

If I copy the OSGI bundle jar file into the runtime plugin directory ("/eclipse/
plugins/com.ibm.eswt"), extract the MANIFEST.MF file that contains the line
"Bundle-ClassPath: eSWT.jar", PDE will build everything correctly. I've been
imfored that "Bundle-ClassPath: ." should also work.

This problem is seen the in the M9 release.
Comment 1 Pascal Rapicault CLA 2004-05-28 15:28:38 EDT
So if I'm correct you are modifying your eclipse install isn't?
Do you see this plugin in your target platform?

Comment 2 Thomas Watson CLA 2004-05-28 16:28:09 EDT

In PDE you are allowed to create a plugin that has a runtime library of ".".  
This translates into having "Bundle-ClassPath: ." in the bundle manifest file 
for the plugin.  When developing this plugin in your workspace the plugin works 
great.  It can be included in a runtime workbench.  Other plugins in your 
workspace can depend on this plugin in your workspace and all the classes that 
this plugin exports are resolved by the bundles that depend on it.  You can 
also export this plugin as a deployable plugin or fragment.  

If you take the result of the export and extract it onto a brand new install of 
eclipse then the runtime will pick up the plugin and install it into your 
working eclipse.  But if you then bring up PDE and create a new plugin and make 
it depend on the plugin that you deployed into eclipse then PDE will fail to 
setup the correct classpath to include the bundle that has "." as its runtime 

I think this is working when the plugin is in the workspace because of the dev 
classpaths that are setup for plugins from a workspace.  But if the plugin is 
actually deployed the dev directories do not exist and I think PDE is not 
interpreting "." correctly to mean that the bundle itself is the runtime 
library for the bundle.  This is really just a development time issue.  I think 
the deployed bundle is getting installed and working on the runtime workbench 
as long as it is not a jar'ed bundle see bug 58658.
Comment 3 Thomas Watson CLA 2004-05-28 18:05:15 EDT
I will attach a zip with two projects and a zip with a deployable plugin to 
demostrate the problem.  Here are the steps to reproduce:

1. Extract the zip with the two sample projects.  This zip contains two 
  org.eclipse.dottest  // bundle with Bundle-ClassPath: .
  org.eclipse.requiredot // bundle that requires org.eclipse.dottest

2. Import the two projects into a workspace.  From this workspace you will see 
that both project compile and can be launched into a runtime workbench and can 
be started from a the osgi console in the runtime workbench.

3. In another "fresh" eclipse install extract the zip with the deployable 
org.eclipse.dottest plugin.  And start eclipse with a clean workspace.

4. Import only the org.eclipse.requiredot project into the workspace.  You 
will see that it cannot compile because a class imported from 
org.eclipose.dottest cannot be resolved.  But the plugin dependencies got 
resolved and correctly show that the deployed plugin should be on the 
Comment 4 Thomas Watson CLA 2004-05-28 18:06:45 EDT
Created attachment 11297 [details]
two projects that demostrate the problem
Comment 5 Thomas Watson CLA 2004-05-28 18:07:27 EDT
Created attachment 11298 [details]
deployable plugin that demostrates the problem
Comment 6 Pascal Rapicault CLA 2004-05-31 09:49:22 EDT
Following your steps I can not reproduce with I 20040529-0105.
Could you please confirm it is the case for you too.
Comment 7 Pascal Rapicault CLA 2004-05-31 09:52:04 EDT
Never mind. I got it reproduced. 
I thought it was a PDE Build problem, therefore I only looked to see if I could
export things properly once imported in the setup you described.

However I've just found the problem. It is in PDE-UI.
Comment 8 Wassim Melhem CLA 2004-06-06 16:48:15 EDT
PDE certainly adds the external class folder to the classpath.  You could 
verify this by expanding the Plug-in Dependencies container on the Libraries 
tab of the Java build path property page of the project.

However, it seems that JDT/Core does not recognize it.  The project's code 
does not compile against it, and the types found in that class folder are not 
added to the Java search, i.e. if you do an Open type..., the list will not 
contain DottestPlugin or ExportClass that are both coming from the external 
class folder.
Comment 9 Wassim Melhem CLA 2004-06-06 16:48:46 EDT
Moving to JDT/Core.
Comment 10 John Wiegand CLA 2004-06-08 17:11:52 EDT
This is dependent on external class folders.  However, the specification does 
not allow these (See comment on javaCore.newLibraryEntry: (partially extracted 
here: The target root folder can only be defined internally to the workspace 
(absolute path relative to the workspace root). To use a binary folder 
external to the workspace, it must first be linked (see IFolder#createLink

The error message in this case is unclear (I needed to deduce this).
Comment 11 Wassim Melhem CLA 2004-06-08 18:47:44 EDT
Since there seems to be a way for this, I'm moving it back to PDE/UI.

cc Philippe just in case.

What I didn't understand either though is if you import one of the test 
plugins that Tom provided into the workspace and you do an Open Type.  They 
types declared in them do not show up in the selection dialog.
Comment 12 Philipe Mulet CLA 2004-06-08 19:15:54 EDT
As John described earlier, external class folders are forbidden. We will 
simply ignore them from thereon, when compiling, searching, etc.... We only 
tolerate external archives to be used (external .class files would be to 
difficult to deal with without having any notification when they change; once 
an external folder is mounted, then it will be monitored by platform, and thus 
eligible on a classpath).
Comment 13 Jeff McAffer CLA 2004-06-08 22:19:14 EDT
It might be interesting to relax this a little.  Rather than saying it is not 
allowed because something could go wrong, allow external dirs and word the API 
etc such that clients clearly know the risks and can either take steps to avoid 
the issues (e.g., notifying you of changes or warning users of dangers).  

We are between a rock and a hard place here.  On the one hand PDE is unable to 
tool plugins in jars so our workaround is to unzip the jars.  But then JDT is 
unable to see the code because it is not in a jar.  

Wassim, is the PDE workaround to do something analogous to the external plugins 
project and rather than linking in the code jars from the external plugins link 
in the external class folders (i.e., the external plugins dirs)?
Comment 14 Wassim Melhem CLA 2004-06-08 22:45:29 EDT
The External Plugins project, as it is currently implemented, is actually 
quite orthodox, as far as JDT is concerned.  It is a simply a project with a 
JRE container and a PDE container, where the JRE container resolves to the 
default JRE and the PDE container resolves to project references to all plug-
in projects in the workspace and all the JARs found in external plug-ins.

Here is a simple example of how I picture this scenario working in 3.0, given 
all the limitations and the lack of options left as observed in comment #13.

1. We have a plug-in X in a JAR.  PDE does not support this format, so we 
require for users to blow it up into a directory in the plugins directory.  
This will make it look like any traditional plug-in, and hence PDE will 
recognize it.  

At this point, the code for plugin X is now at the root of plug-in X's 
directory on disk, and the Bundle-Classpath header for said plugin is equal 
to '.'.  This is all fine.

2. Now suppose we create a plug-in A in the workspace using the new plug-in 
project wizard.  Its classpath contains the PDE container.  If we go to the 
dependencies page of the manifest editor, and click on Add.  The dialog that 
will show up will include plugin X - All good.
So we add it, and we save.  This triggers the recomputation of plugin A's 
container, which must now include code from plugin X.

3. During the computation of plugin A's classpath, when we get to the X 
plugin, we ask it for its libraries and we get '.'.  By default, we typically 
append the name of the JAR to the installation directory of the plugin and 
make sure that the file (or directory) that it maps to actually exists.  In 
this case, it will of course exist.  So far, no changes in PDE's classpath 
computation.  All good.

Here is what we need to do differently, we should the file that corresponded 
to the library of plugin X to see if it is a file (i.e. JAR) or a directory.  
If it's a file, then it's business as usual for PDE.
If it's a directory, then we create a linked folder on plugin A that maps to 
the install location of plugin X.
Comment 15 Philipe Mulet CLA 2004-06-09 04:35:29 EDT
Re: comment#13. There is no issue really here. Functionality wise, you can 
mount any external folder as a resource folder, and from thereon reference it 
on a build path. PDE did not follow our spec, and I admit we did not issue a 
decent error message in this scenario. 

Your thought about a simple unsafe but tolerable mode is interesting, but far 
from the reality we observe. Clients want both flexibility and reliability. 
External JARs are already hairy to manage; and their support was added before 
platform allowed to mount external resources. 

Re: comment#14: I don't see "all the limitations and the lack of options"; but 
rather the fact PDE wasn't aware of the proper way to handle external folder.
If you still believe there are, then please log a separate feature request 
against JDT Core; but as I said external class folders are a no go; unless we 
want to duplicate the platform support for managing resources, issuing deltas 
etc... so that all tooling will react properly (think incremental build 
Comment 16 Wassim Melhem CLA 2004-06-09 09:57:57 EDT
When I said "all the limitations and the lack of options" in comment #14, I 
was actually referring to PDE not being able to support the plugin in JAR 
format at this stage in the 3.0 cycle. Nothing more.
Comment 17 John Wiegand CLA 2004-06-09 11:06:20 EDT
I explicitly created a linked folder for dottest and added this to the 
classpath.  With this change, I can start requireddot and do searches, etc.  
So Wassim's proposal (comment 14) should work.
Comment 18 Wassim Melhem CLA 2004-06-10 00:56:32 EDT
ok, we have a problem.
I am unable to create a linked folder during the resolution of the pde 
container because the resource tree is locked for modification by JDT/Core.
Comment 19 Philipe Mulet CLA 2004-06-10 05:01:10 EDT
JDTCore never locks the resource tree for modification. Isn't it rather that 
your attempt is occurring during POST_CHANGE notification where resource tree 
is locked ?
Comment 20 Wassim Melhem CLA 2004-06-10 08:49:09 EDT
Since the resource tree is locked at the time of the container resolution, I 
am not sure how to proceed from here.
Comment 21 Jeff McAffer CLA 2004-06-10 09:30:47 EDT
Where are you trying to create the link?  Is it reasonable to create the link 
in the External Plugin Libraries project at the same time you do it for the 
Comment 22 Wassim Melhem CLA 2004-06-10 10:13:53 EDT
If we're setting the classpath of project A that references external bundle X, 
then we would attempt to create the linked folder on A.  This, of course, 
would be taking place at a time when the resource tree is locked, and hence 
our problem.

Although the External Plug-in Libraries project's purpose is totally unrelated 
(designed to expand the Java search scope), and although it would be a big 
hack for the classpath computation algorithm to check it for linked folders, I 
nevertheless considered it, due to lack of better alternatives at this 

Here is the problem though, as I anticipate it:
As I noted above, the External Plug-ins libraries uses a PDE container of its 
own (a different container than plug-in projects, but a container 
nevertheless).  So here, we would run into a scenario where, in the midst of 
resolving the container for project X, we would be asking the container for 
the External Plug-in libraries to resolve initialize/resove itself.

Having seen my fair share of classpath container troubles over the past few 
months, and unless the JDT guys assure me otherwise, I think this scenario 
would just open the gates of heck.

I understand that days of manual tweaking of the classpath are gone, and users 
have gotten used to the luxury of a pde container that magically resolves all 
references to external/workspace plugins.  But would it be unreasonable to ask 
people who want to use these bundles to add the class folder manually to their 
classpath until this funtionality becomes supported by PDE?
Comment 23 Jeff McAffer CLA 2004-06-10 10:53:10 EDT
sigh.  So just to be clear here, the linked folder can be in any project 
right?  I was anticipating linking it in once in the workspace and than adding 
it to various projects classpaths rather than adding it to each project that 
required the plugin. 

So, if that is accurate, we could tell people "create a bogus project.  explode 
all your target bundle jars.  go to the bogus project and add a linked folder 
for each target bundle.  For any project (workspace) bundle that requires a 
target bundle, add the corresponding linked folder to the classpath."

Is there a way that this set of steps can be made easier for people?
Comment 24 Thomas Watson CLA 2004-06-10 10:59:41 EDT
More *sighs* from me.

One issue I see with that approach is that PDE build does not recognize 
manually added entries on the classpath of the project.  Would this prevent PDE 
build from building plugins that require "dot" bundles?  I think PDE build may 
still work since it correctly compiles against "dot" bundles today so the extra 
entries on the project classpath should be ignored.

But I don't currently see a way for the developer to manually add class folder 
that is linked to a directory that is outside the workspace without using a 
hardcoded path.  There are no default classpath variables defined that the 
developer can base the link off of.  It would be helpful if there was at least 
one classpath variable that pointed to the base install of eclipse.  This would 
not be very good for .classpath files that are checked into a central 
repository because they would be specific to one developers environment.
Comment 25 Wassim Melhem CLA 2004-06-10 11:08:38 EDT
>It would be helpful if there was at least 
>one classpath variable that pointed to the base install of eclipse.
This we have.  There is already an ECLIPSE_HOME variable that is managed by 
PDE and changes whenever your target platform changes.  Although no longer 
used by PDE, it is still there for historic reasons.
Comment 26 John Wiegand CLA 2004-06-10 11:15:18 EDT
While we are talking work-arounds, the following would (should?) work.  This 
is more work than we want, but is simpler than fixing up all of the references.

When you need to access a bundle from a jar, explode the jar (like we are 
doing today), and create a project that corresponds to the exploded bundle.  
Now other plug-ins can refer to this plug-in in the PDE expected way.  

Once/if we can access this directly at some point in the future, the extra 
project is no longer needed.  Today it would be sub-optimal because we don't 
want to have these extra binary projects. (But it would work, modulo scaling 
issues - many binary plug-ins).
Comment 27 Thomas Watson CLA 2004-06-10 11:40:07 EDT
I did not see the variable when I went to link a class folder to an external 
folder.  It's probably user error but it is not obvious to me how you do this.
Comment 28 Jeff McAffer CLA 2004-06-10 11:50:31 EDT
regarding comment 26.  Yes, in the end this is the easiest workaround.  If we 
are already getting people to explode the bundles then adding them as a project 
is likely not a big deal.  They should be able to add them as a binary linked 
project even.  Tom/Wassim, can you confirm?
Comment 29 Wassim Melhem CLA 2004-06-11 01:59:46 EDT
When I unzip the plugin from comment #5 into an arbitrary directory and import 
it using the plugin import wizard, its classpath looks good to me.  Its Java 
Build path property page looks good.  But the types this project contains do 
not show up in the Open Type dialog, for some reason.

Philippe, could you please import the project into your workspace, and shed 
some light on what the problem could be..
Comment 30 Wassim Melhem CLA 2004-06-15 15:11:27 EDT
Jeff, how about an enthusiastic +1 for RC3?

By the way, I'm still experiencing the problem in comment #25.  Any insight 
would be appreciated.
Comment 31 Jeff McAffer CLA 2004-06-15 17:57:44 EDT
what exaclty are you wanting to do for this issue for RC3?

I don't see a problem mentioned in comment 25.  Was that a typo and you have 
not heard back from Philippe re comment 29?

I am enthusiastic about doing something reasonably safe to at least enable 
minimal function in this area.
Comment 32 Wassim Melhem CLA 2004-06-15 18:09:46 EDT
The only option that is still viable in 3.0 is to require people to import the 
plugins as binary (with or without links) into the workspace.

This requires minimal, if any, changes to PDE code.  When I tried it though 
with the current PDE code, I realized that, although, PDE is setting the 
classpath correctly of the imported plugin, JDT is not picking up the classes 
in the Open Type.

So my follow-up was referring to comment #29, not comment #25.

So if it's something that PDE needs to tweak when setting the classpath using 
class folders, then it's a low risk and would be a go for RC3 from us.  If 
it's something JDT-related, then it's up to them to decide how/when to address 
Comment 33 Jeff McAffer CLA 2004-06-16 09:14:35 EDT
A hearty +1 for fixing this as described.  It seems like it must be a 
mechanical problem somewhere.  JDT clearly does allow the root of a project to 
be on the classpath and as you say, PDE is setting adding the class folder.  
Let's find and fix the mismatch.
Comment 34 Philipe Mulet CLA 2004-06-16 09:38:41 EDT
Will try to spend sometime today to investigate again.
Comment 35 Wassim Melhem CLA 2004-06-17 15:18:51 EDT
ok, here is the verdict.

People will be able to import the blown-up plugins as binary project WITHOUT 
links and everything will be fine from a PDE point of view without any changes 
whatsoever at our end.  Clients of the plugin can access code from the binary 

Note that the classes from the class folder of the binary project are 
available through code assist, but they are not available though the Open Type 
dialog, so there is a disconnect there, and I will therefore forward this 
defect to them to address this less important issue at their leisure.

Also note that you CANNOT import the blown-up plugins as binary with links.  
This is because the classes are at the root of the project.  If we were to 
play around with the project description to have it map to the external 
plugin, deleting the project from the workspace will result in the deletion of 
the actual plug-in in the install.

This is where we will leave this for 3.0.  
Self-hosting using such plugins is supported as long as projects are imported 
as binary WITHOUT links.

Will change the title of the bug report and reassign to JDT to address the 
Open Type problem.
Comment 36 Jerome Lanneluc CLA 2005-01-27 07:58:03 EST
Wassim, I was not able to reproduce the Open type problem. Looking at this bug,
it seems that you fixed the PDE UI problem and that you found another problem in
JDT Core (I'm not sure about that). But what is the problem in JDT Core ? No
details was provided. What about closing this bug as a PDE UI bug, and providing
steps to reproduce it in a separate bug ? 
Comment 37 Wassim Melhem CLA 2005-01-27 08:09:45 EST
sure.  opened bug 83822 to track the open type problem.