Bug 22132

Summary: JDT ASTs: QualifiedName versus FieldAccess
Product: [Eclipse Project] JDT Reporter: Timothy Halloran <hallorant>
Component: CoreAssignee: Jim des Rivieres <jeem>
Status: VERIFIED FIXED QA Contact:
Severity: normal    
Priority: P3 CC: akiezun, dirk_baeumer, jeem
Version: 2.0   
Target Milestone: 2.1 M1   
Hardware: PC   
OS: Windows XP   

Description Timothy Halloran CLA 2002-08-02 14:03:51 EDT
It appears that org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom converts all field references to 
SimpleName or QualifiedName, unless they are proceeded by a "this."  Even 
access to static fields proceeded by the Class name, See the example output 
and code below:

DEBUG [ModalContext] - Name = sf_hi
DEBUG [ModalContext] - Name = FieldRef.sf_hi
DEBUG [ModalContext] - Name = FieldRef
DEBUG [ModalContext] - Name = f_hi
DEBUG [ModalContext] - FieldAccess = this.f_hi

public class FieldRef {
  static String sf_hi = "HI";
  String f_hi = "HI";
  void test() {
    // static field
    sf_hi = "HI";
    FieldRef.sf_hi = "HI";
    // field
    f_hi = "HI";
    this.f_hi = "HI";
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    FieldRef fr = new FieldRef();

First problem, the JavaDoc leads one to believe that everything should show up 
in a FieldAccess not just the "this." case, hence the documentation needs to 
be beefed up.

Second problem, I understand the difficulty of figuring out if something is a 
FieldAccess vs Type vs nested class field, etc... without binding, hence my 
proposal is that FieldAccess should get the axe.

FieldAccess is currently used for a special case only and it implys binding 
knowledge if it is not only used in that special case.  It leads the user to 
believe that all FieldAccess's will show up as this node.

My proposal is to remove FieldAccess and change all ASTNode instances that 
today show up as FieldAccess into a QualifiedName.  Thoughts?

Another possiblity is that FieldAccess become a child-class of QualifiedName 
so this strangeness can be ignored if desired.

Take Care,
Tim Halloran
Comment 1 Philipe Mulet CLA 2002-08-13 07:54:40 EDT
The grammar rules state what a field access is versus a qualified name. The DOM 
AST truly reflect the source code nature. 

The fact that a given name is then bound to a particular field requires some 
name resolution to happen, which is only optional for the DOM AST, and somewhat 
a separate concern from what it represents syntactically.

Your proposal would not be optimal in the sense as qualified names would need 
to accomodate token identifiers like 'this' which are reserved keywords (and 
thus forbidden in there). Furthermore, you would still need field accesses to 
represent constructs like "new A().x".

This being said, the documentation should better clarify this.

Comment 2 Philipe Mulet CLA 2002-08-13 07:55:15 EDT
Olivier - please double check the documentation for better clarifying this 
Comment 3 Philipe Mulet CLA 2002-08-13 07:56:34 EDT
*** Bug 22377 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Timothy Halloran CLA 2002-08-13 13:27:23 EDT
Concur with your thinking --  The JavaDoc needs to cover:
(1) Most actual field accesses will really be Names (with some discussion of the
    need for binding information which is not always there, bla bla...)
    -- see point (3) below, they maybe should be described together
(2) FieldAccess exists ONLY for some very specific cases
    a) this.field
    b) new A().field
    ??? any others -- lets be very clear ???
(3) That Name (SimpleName, QualifiedName), SuperFieldAccess are required to be
examined to find all field accesses...E.G., what is the set of ASTNode's that
represent all field accesses.

This problem is more a documentation problem than a technical problem, thanks
for the clarification (and the duplicate bug points suggests I was not the only
confused one:-)

Take Care,
Comment 5 Jim des Rivieres CLA 2002-08-28 15:38:21 EDT
There are two angles:
(1) the node types available to represent Java source code
(2) the particular choices of node types that parseCompilationUnit chooses
to represent the Java source code it was fed.

We do need to improve the documentation to make it clear that there are 
choices for how to represent expressions involving ".", and explain which 
arrangement of nodes are legit and which ones are not; and we should point out 
where there are multiple correct answers. "x.y" is one instance that could be 
represented either as a FieldAccess or as a QualifiedName - both are equally 
acceptable. parseCompilationUnit is free to return either, and it should 
remain open as to which form it chooses. Without loss of generality, callers 
of parseCompilationUnit should be prepared to handle any legit result, and not 
assume that the parser systematically prefers one form over another. 
Comment 6 Olivier Thomann CLA 2002-09-04 13:16:21 EDT
Jim - Could you please update the doc to clarify this issue?
Comment 7 Jim des Rivieres CLA 2002-09-05 12:54:02 EDT
Added the following clarification to javadoc for FieldAccess class:

 * Note that there are several kinds of expressions that resemble field access
 * expressions: qualified names, this expressions, and super field access
 * expressions. The following guidelines help with correct usage:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>An expression like "foo.this" can only be represented as a this
 *   expression (<code>ThisExpression</code>) containing a simple name.
 *   "this" is a keyword, and therefore invalid as an identifier.</li>
 *   <li>An expression like "this.foo" can only be represented as a field
 *   access expression (<code>FieldAccess</code>) containing a this expression
 *   and a simple name. Again, this is because "this" is a keyword, and
 *   therefore invalid as an identifier.</li>
 *   <li>An expression with "super" can only be represented as a super field
 *   access expression (<code>SuperFieldAccess</code>). "super" is a also
 *   keyword, and therefore invalid as an identifier.</li>
 *   <li>An expression like "foo.bar" can be represented either as a
 *   qualified name (<code>QualifiedName</code>) or as a field access
 *   expression (<code>FieldAccess</code>) containing simple names. Either
 *   is acceptable, and there is no way to choose between them without
 *   information about what the names resolve to
 *   (<code>AST.parseCompilationUnit</code> may return either).</li>
 *   <li>Other expressions ending in an identifier, such as "foo().bar" can
 *   only be represented as field access expressions
 *   (<code>FieldAccess</code>).</li>
 * </ul>

Also added pointers from QualfiedName, SuperFieldAccess, and ThisExpression.

Changes released to HEAD stream.
Comment 8 David Audel CLA 2002-09-19 11:25:19 EDT