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loganathan001 2010-05-03 09:10:38 EDT Summary RemoteCommandShellOperation.sendCommand(String) method doesn't fetch any result to RemoteCommandShellOperation.handleCommandFinished(String) method in once the Remote Host is physically disconnected and reconnected sendCommand(String) method in doesn't invoke handleCommandFinished(String) method in RemoteCommandShellOperation once the Remote Host is physically disconnected and reconnected
loganathan001 2010-05-04 02:35:19 EDT Severity major normal 2010-05-04 04:27:14 EDT Summary sendCommand(String) method in doesn't invoke handleCommandFinished(String) method in RemoteCommandShellOperation once the Remote Host is physically disconnected and reconnected RemoteCommandShellOperation.sendCommand() doesn't call finish handler after physical disconnect / reconnect 2010-05-04 08:00:42 EDT Keywords helpwanted

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