Back to bug 296407

Who When What Removed Added
elh.mailgate 2009-11-28 14:19:36 EST Keywords ui, usability
Version 4.0 3.6
See Also
remy.suen 2009-11-28 15:34:53 EST CC remysuen
pwebster 2009-11-30 12:49:58 EST Assignee Platform-UI-Inbox platform-ui-triaged
Summary cannot change the form's layout seperatly from the workbench settings. [BiDi] cannot change the form's layout seperatly from the workbench settings.
QA Contact pwebster
CC Boris_Bokowski, daniel_megert, Silenio_Quarti
daniel_megert 2009-12-01 02:53:28 EST Summary [BiDi] cannot change the form's layout seperatly from the workbench settings. [BiDi] cannot change the form's layout separately from the workbench settings
Silenio_Quarti 2009-12-01 10:53:14 EST CC felipe_heidrich

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