Back to bug 270290

Who When What Removed Added
wds057 2009-03-30 07:22:55 EDT Summary Use Radio Buttons instead of check boxes to select active configuration [fiximprove] : Use Radio Buttons instead of check boxes to select active configuration
Target Milestone --- 1.0 M7
CC dsdp.mtj-inbox, wds057
Assignee dsdp.mtj-inbox wds057
Keywords accessibility, ui, usability
wds057 2009-03-30 07:40:22 EDT Status NEW ASSIGNED
wgp010 2009-04-02 12:24:51 EDT CC wgp010
Target Milestone 1.0 M7 Future
wds057 2009-04-29 16:45:07 EDT Assignee wds057 dsdp.mtj-inbox
wgp010 2009-07-09 10:13:25 EDT Status NEW RESOLVED
Resolution --- WONTFIX
wgp010 2009-07-09 10:14:51 EDT Status RESOLVED CLOSED
wgp010 2009-07-09 12:04:17 EDT Target Milestone Future 1.0

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