Back to bug 196543

Who When What Removed Added
d_a_carver 2007-07-14 10:02:22 EDT OS Linux All
thatnitind 2007-07-16 01:56:18 EDT Assignee wst.xml-inbox nitind
thatnitind 2007-08-31 02:45:23 EDT Keywords bugday
thatnitind 2007-09-20 05:34:01 EDT Keywords helpwanted 2010-04-30 13:32:08 EDT CC nsandona
Summary Add a view that shows annotation information for an XML with grammar [ui] Add a view that shows annotation information for an XML with grammar
david_williams 2011-09-21 13:19:32 EDT QA Contact david_williams nitind
thatnitind 2013-06-19 11:13:35 EDT QA Contact nitind nsandona
thatnitind 2013-07-18 14:26:50 EDT Assignee nitind wst.xml-inbox

Back to bug 196543