Back to bug 157212

Who When What Removed Added
frederic_fusier 2006-09-25 05:49:17 EDT CC Dessimat0r frederic_fusier
Assignee jdt-core-inbox platform-doc-inbox
Component Core Website
Product JDT Platform
frederic_fusier 2006-09-25 05:51:24 EDT Assignee platform-doc-inbox Platform-UI-Inbox
Component Website UI
john.arthorne 2006-09-25 10:18:45 EDT Assignee Platform-UI-Inbox jdt-ui-inbox
Component UI UI
Product Platform JDT
martinae 2006-10-02 11:08:46 EDT Status NEW ASSIGNED
Summary Provide Java web start deployment mechanism [jar exporter] Provide Java web start deployment mechanism
markus.kell.r 2008-08-07 05:20:01 EDT CC phidias51
markus.kell.r 2008-08-07 05:22:07 EDT CC markus_keller
Keywords helpwanted
Priority P3 P5

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