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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
487713 2 0 java-package minor P3 later FileNotFoundException: introData.xml
345503 2 0 Packager enhancement P3 later Reconsider patch/update policy for EPP Packages
427470 2 0 Core normal P3 future Refactor validation classes to allow Target Runtimes to override specific BPMN 2.0 core constraints
422077 2 0 UI normal P3 future Description Tab does not get refreshed when multiple editors are open
418721 2 0 UI minor P3 future F2 on a selected task should allow to edit the "Name" attribute
419357 3 0 Diagram normal P3 SR2 [CommonDiagram] Diagram must provide a way to restore existing links
419095 3 0 Others major P3 SR2 Documentation Error
463564 2 0 Views major P3 SR1 [Performances] Opening a menu in the ModelExplorer takes several seconds (Mars M6)
384935 2 0 Core major P3 SR1 [UML] The standard profile cannot be applied
361106 2 0 Diagram normal P3 SR1 [Deployment Diagram] : Missing CommunicationPath Link
448789 3 0 p2 normal P3 Photon M7 [p2] NPE in RemediationGroup.searchRemedyMatchingUserChoices
528387 5 0 p2 critical P3 Photon M6 FeaturesAndBundlesPublisher creates a RequiredCapability that kills the CBI aggregator
527353 3 0 Framework normal P3 Photon M4 Auto detect available packages when running >= Java 9
514338 2 0 Components normal P3 Photon M4 Update equinox console to use felix gogo 1.0.2 or newer
520636 5 0 Launcher normal P3 Oxygen.1a Make sure Eclipse starts with Java 9
493761 2 0 Launcher major P3 Oxygen M7 Platform won't launch on Java 9-ea builds (InjectionException: NoClassDefFoundError: javax/annotation/PostConstruct)
234509 3 0 Security enhancement P3 Oxygen M7 Create Equinox keystore fragment for Linux using gnome keyring
289518 2 0 p2 normal P3 Oxygen M5 Logged backup store error on upgrade/revert of SDK
507417 2 0 Framework normal P3 Oxygen M4 [java 9] cannot load java.* classes that are not contained in the java.base module
507178 2 0 Framework normal P3 Oxygen M4 Issues with encoding/decoding file URLs in various scenarios

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