
Archived bugs for Eclipse.org Projects - Don't file bugs here!

Select a component to see open bugs in that component.

Component Default Assignee Default QA Contact
3p Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
A spam bug Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Extra spammy
ACTF Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
ACTF has moved to Github(https://github.com/eclipse-actf)
AERI Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
AERI/Logging reports
Aether Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
The Aether project has been archived
Albireo Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Albireo project
ALF Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
ALF project
AM3(deprecated) Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Bug for the deprecated AM3 implementation
AMW Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
AMW Project
Antenna Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
SW360 Antenna project
Aperi Eclipse Webmaster CLA
Aperi Project
Apogee Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Apogee project
Apricot Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Apricot project
ATF Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
ATF Project
Autotools Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Editors, builders, import/export, and conversion tools for CDT projects built using the GNU Autotools (automake, autoconf, etc.).
b3 Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
EMFT B3 project
BIRT Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
BIRT is now using Github issues: https://github.com/eclipse/birt
Blinki Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
DSDP Blinki
Blogs Project Inbox CLA
Eclipse Blogs site
BPEL Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Bpel Project
BPMN Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
BPMN project
Buckminster Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Buckminster Project
CDTK Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Chess Eclipse Webmaster CLA
Chess project - moved to https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse/chess/chess/
CME Eclipse Webmaster CLA
CME Project Archive
cobol Eclipse Webmaster CLA
Cobol Project
Codewind Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Codewind project
Concierge Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Concierge now uses GitHub Issues (https://github.com/eclipse/concierge/issues)
Corona Eclipse Webmaster CLA
Corona project
Cosmos Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Cosmos project
CVS Eclipse Webmaster CLA
The CVS portion of eclipse.org
Damos Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Damos project
Dash Athena Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Dash Handbook Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Dash Handbook
Dash Submission System Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Archived Submission System
DD Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
DSDP DD project
DLTK Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Archived DLTK components
Doc2Model Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
DSDP Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
E4 Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
E4 project components (TM,SWT,Runtime)
EATop Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
EATop Project
eBam Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
The eBam project has been archived
eBPM Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
The eBPM project
EBR Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
EBR bugs. For new reports see https://github.com/eclipse/ebr
Ecesis Eclipse Webmaster CLA
Ecesis project
Eclipse monkey Project Dash Incoming bugs CLA
dynamic scripting tool for the automation of routine programming tasks
The Eclipselink project has moved to Github: https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/eclipselink
EclipseLIVE EclipseLive Inbox CLA
eclipselive.org / live.eclipse.org site
EDT Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
The EDT project has been archived
EJB Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
The EJB project has moved to Github: https://github.com/jakarta-ee/enterprise-beans-spec
EL Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
The Jakarta Expression Language has moved to Github. Please file new issues there, this entry is only for historical purposes.
EMF-Facet Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
EMF4Net Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
EMF4Net project
EMFIndex Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
EMF Index
EMFT Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
EMFT has been archived
EMFT Search project
EMFT.MFT Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
MFT Project
EMFT.Servus Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
EODM Dummy mdt eodm inbox CLA
EMF Ontology Definition Metamodel
EPF Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Eclipse Process Framework
EPIC Phoenix EPIC component CLA
eclipseplugincentral.com (EPIC) component
Eplmp Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Polarsys EPLMP project
ERCP Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
ERCP project
ESL Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
ESL project
Events.eclipse.org Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Issues with events.eclipse.org should be reported to: https://github.com/EclipseFdn/events.eclipse.org/
Examples Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Examples project
Featuremodel Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
EMFT Featuremodel
Flux Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Flux project
FMC Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Fundamental Modeling Concepts project
Ganomatic Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Geclipse Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
G-Eclipse Project
Gef3d Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Gems Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
GMT Gems
General Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
General archived bugs.
Glassfish Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
the Glassfish project has moved to Github(https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/glassfish)
Glassfish-tools Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Glimmer Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Glimmer Project
gmt Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
GMT has been archvied
GMT.Mofscript Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Golo Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Golo now uses GitHub Issues
gyrex Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Gyrex project
Hibachi Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Hibachi project
Higgins Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Higgins project archive
hip Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
IoT Hip project
Hudson sandbox CI Admin Inbox CLA
Want to test a new plugin? Test new job options? Then file a bug here to get those changes applied to the sandbox
Hyades Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Hyades project
IAM Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Eclipse Integration for Apache Maven
IDE4EDU Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
IDE4EDU project
IMM Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
IMP Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
IMP Project
Jakarta Interceptors Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
The Jakarta Interceptors project has move to Github, please file any new issues there. This entry is only for historical purposes.
Jakartaee-Platform Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
The Jakartaee-Platform project has move to Github(https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jakartaee-platform)
Jakartaee-stable Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Moved to https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j
jakartaee-tck Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Moved to https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jakartaee-tck
January Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
January is now using GitHub Issues
Jax-rs Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Moved to github: https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jersey
JCA Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
The JCA project has moved to Github(https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jca-api).
JCRM Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
EMFT JCR managment
Jersey Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Archiving. Project moved to github : https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jersey
Jet Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
M2T Jet project
js4emf Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
JS4EMF project
JsonP Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
The Jsonp project has moved to Github(https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jsonp)
JSR220orm Eclipse Webmaster CLA
JSR220orm - Archived here
Kepler Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Kepler Project
Koneki Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Koneki Project
Krikkit Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Krikkit Project
Laszlo Eclipse Webmaster CLA
Laszlo Project
Lepido Eclipse Webmaster CLA
Lepido, Apache Tools for Cocoon
Leshan Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Leshan now uses Github Issues
Libra Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Webtools Libra project.
LinuxTools Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
The linuxtools project has archvied the following components here: LinuxDistros LTTng Oprofile Packaging Tools Proctools
LSP4E Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
The LSP4E prject has moved to Github: https://github.com/eclipse/lsp4e
Lsp4j Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
For new issues: https://github.com/eclipse/lsp4j/issues
m2e Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
m2e Archived bugs. See https://github.com/eclipse-m2e/m2e-core/issues/
Maynstall Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Maynstall project
MDDi Eclipse Webmaster CLA
Archived MDDi project
MDMWeb Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
The MDMWeb project
MDT.MST Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
MDT MST project
Misc Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Misc Archived
Mosquitto Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Mosquitto now using GitHub Issues
MQTT-Android Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
MQTT Android now used GitHub Issues
Mylyn Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
The Mylyn Project has moved to Github(https://github.com/eclipse-mylyn). These bugs are for archival purposes.
Nab Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Nebula Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Archived Nebula bugs.
OFMP Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
OHF Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Open Healthcare Framework
Omelet Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
The Omelet Project
OpenK-platform Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Orb Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Moved to Github: https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/orb
ORMF Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
ORMF project
Package-drone Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Package-drone project
Paho Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Paho issues now tracked via GitHub
Paho.MQTT-Python Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
MQTT-Python bugs now tracked via GitHub
Pave Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Webtools Pave Project
PDT Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
PDT issues
Phoenix Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Phoenix Project
Picasso Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Picasso Project
PlanetEclipse Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Archived PlanetEclipse issues
PMF Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Modeling PMF
Pollinate Eclipse Webmaster CLA
Pollinate project
Ponte Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
IoT Ponte
Rat Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
RAT project
RDF4J Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
RDF4J is now using GitHub Issues
Recommenders Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Recommenders.incubator Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Recommenders incubator Project
Remus Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Remus project
Risev2g Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Risev2g project
RTP Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Packaging RTP
Sapphire Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
SBVR Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Sca Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
The SCA project has been archived
Scada Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Eclipse SCADA project
Scalamodules Eclipse Webmaster CLA
Scalamodules Project
Score Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Scout Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Scout is using Github for new issues. These are historical.
SeCoblocks Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
SeCo blocks project
Sensinact Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Sensinact project has moved to Github.
Sequoyah Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Archived Sequoyah Project
Sisu Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Sisu has moved to Github
Skalli Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Skalli Project.
Sketch Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Sketch project
Smarthome Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Smarthome now uses Github issues
Smila Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Smila project
SOC Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Soc Project
Spaces Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Spaces Project.
Stardust Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Stardust project
Stellation Eclipse Webmaster CLA
Stellation project
STP Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
STP Project
Swordfish Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Swordfish project
Systemfocus Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Systemfocus project
Test archive Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
ee4j tasktop bugs
Thym Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Thym project
Tinydtls Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Tinydtls project
titan.core Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
titan.core - moved to https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse/titan/titan.core
titan.plugins Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Titan Plugins - moved to https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse/titan/titan.EclipsePlug-ins/-/issues
titan.ProtocolModules Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Titan Protocol Modules - moved to Gitlab https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse/titan/titan.ProtocolModules
titan.TestPorts Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Titan Test Ports - Moved to Gitlab: https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse/titan/titan.TestPorts
TMF.TCS Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
TMW Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
TMW project
TPTP Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
TPTP Project
TPTP.monitoring Eclipse Webmaster CLA
TPTP monitoring project
Triquetrum Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Tycho Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Tycho project
UFacekit Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Platform Incubator UFacekit
UMLGen Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
UMLGen project
UMLX Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
UMLX Project
VE Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Visual Editor project.
VJET Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
VJET has been archived
Wazaabi Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Wazaabi has been archived
Webtools Source Editing JSDT Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Webtools Soruce Editing JSDT component
Webtools.ATF Eclipse Webmaster CLA
Place for unused Webtools ATF components due to move to Tools.ATF
webtools.java ee config Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
webtools java ee config project
Webtools.WST.Javascript Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Old bugs for Webtools SourceEditing javascript
WindowBuilder Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
WindowBuilder project
Winery Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Winery is now using GitHub issues(https://github.org/eclipse/winery)
WSVT Eclipse Webmaster CLA
WSVT - archived
WTP Datatools Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
WTP datarools
WTP Incubator Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
Webtools Incubator
Yasson Nobody - feel free to take it CLA
The Yasson project has moved to Github(https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/yasson) . These are historical issues.