
Eclipse Platform - This project has moved to Github (, please file your issues there!

Select a component to see open bugs in that component.

Component Default Assignee Default QA Contact
Ant Platform-Ant-Inbox CLA
Eclipse Platform Ant support
Compare Platform-Compare-Inbox CLA
Eclipse Platform Compare framework
CVS platform-cvs-inbox CLA
Eclipse Platform CVS Integration
Debug Platform-Debug-Inbox CLA
Eclipse Platform Debug framework
Doc Platform-Doc-Inbox CLA
Eclipse Platform Documentation and Help Content
IDE Platform-UI-Inbox CLA
Incubator platform-incubator-inbox CLA
Platform Incubators
PMC Project Inbox CLA
Tasks for the Project Management Committee
Releng Platform-Releng-Inbox CLA
Eclipse Platform Release Engineering
Resources Platform-Resources-Inbox CLA
Eclipse Platform Resources
Runtime platform-runtime-inbox CLA
Eclipse Platform Runtime
Scripting Platform-Scripting-Inbox CLA
Eclipse Platform Scripting Framework
Eclipse Platform Search framework
SWT Platform-SWT-Inbox CLA
Eclipse Platform Standard Widget Toolkit
Team Platform Team Inbox CLA
Eclipse Platform generic team support framework
Text Platform-Text-Inbox CLA
Eclipse Platform Text Support
UI Platform-UI-Inbox CLA
Eclipse Platform UI
Update (deprecated - use Eclipse>Equinox>p2) Platform-Update-Inbox CLA
Eclipse Platform Update Framework
User Assistance Platform-UI-Inbox CLA
Eclipse Platform Help System Implementation
WebDAV Platform-WebDAV-Inbox CLA
Eclipse Platform WebDAV support
Website Platform-Doc-Inbox CLA
Eclipse Platform Website