Sat Jun 1 2024 11:25:56 EDT
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
243245 z_Archiv SOC b.muskalla NEW --- Transform "Convert to ReentrantLock" to a full refactoring 2011-01-18
201808 z_Archiv SOC soc-inbox NEW --- "inferior is already running" exception keep the plug-in to restart the debug event listener 2011-01-18
202122 z_Archiv SOC soc-inbox NEW --- "Eclipse JNI Application" launch configuration needed 2011-01-18
221882 z_Archiv SOC soc-inbox NEW --- Unable to load class org.eclipse.soc.jni.launch.internal.ui.jniApplicationTabGroup 2011-01-18
243530 z_Archiv SOC soc.general-inbox NEW --- Initial code contribution for JET Transforms/Wizards for creating project meta data 2011-01-18
236447 z_Archiv SOC NEW --- Project page should link to wiki/projects 2011-01-18
200461 z_Archiv SOC soc-inbox REOP --- deal with the "jvm started in native code" case 2011-01-18
7 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "SOC" component of the "z_Archived" product