Sat Jun 1 2024 03:55:46 EDT
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22 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
222729 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- Provide a screencast component overview for the Jackrabbit community 2013-07-11
223697 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- node type to ecore transformation: Handle more than one required primary type 2013-07-11
223700 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- node type to ecore transformation: Map the JCR namespaces to ECore packages 2013-07-11
226690 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- Add the EPL license header to all source files 2013-07-11
226990 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- [ntModel] Add the onParentVersion property to the ItemDefinition 2013-07-11
259673 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- Add the mapping of JCR-References to ECore-References 2013-07-11
259674 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- Add a performance measurement test for adding content 2013-07-11
259675 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- Add a performance measurement test for searching content 2013-07-11
259676 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- Add a performance measurement test for traversing on EMF EStructuralFeatures 2013-07-11
259677 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- Add a performance measurement test for the Repository Editor 2013-07-11
259678 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- Add a performance measurement test for updating content 2013-07-11
259679 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- Add a performance measurement test for deleting content 2013-07-11
259681 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- Align JCRM with CDO 2013-07-11
259684 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- Create a prototype of the JCRM Repository Editor 2013-07-11
261049 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- Switch from oAW Xtext to TMF Xtext 2013-07-11
281755 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- Migrate from oAW XTend to M2T XPand's XTend 2013-07-11
281756 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- Migrate from the oAW workflow engine to Eclipse MWE 2013-07-11
281757 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- Create a repository editor that does not depend on generated code 2013-07-11
281758 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- Do the IP process work for the RMI client jars from Jackrabbit 1.6 2013-07-11
281759 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- Do the IP process work for the libraries necessary for a Jackrabbit 1.6 embedded in JCRM 2013-07-11
298714 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme NEW --- Switch to dynamic feature delegation 2013-07-11
245739 z_Archiv JCRM sandro.boehme REOP --- Nodes Type registered from an Ecore are registered without a prefix 2013-07-11
22 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "JCRM" component of the "z_Archived" product