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Sat Jun 1 2024 01:19:56 EDT
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12 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
210828 Target M RSE kjdoyle NEW --- [efs] CVS Decorators stop working 2008-09-17
266579 Platform IDE platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Preferences] Expose encoding validation from ui.ide to another plugins 2019-09-06
319853 Communit Cross-Pr david_williams RESO WONT The Helios release (composite) update site contains mirror external references 2011-06-28
338338 UOMo Units werner.keil RESO WONT Time Units should be related to ICU TimeUnit 2021-02-28
396554 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox CLOS WONT Use of nested velocity library is causing velocity initialization failure resulting in loss of function in m2e and other features 2021-04-19
435395 z_Archiv BIRT Lionel.wyl NEW --- View Report in Web Viewer using JDK 8 - Displays HTTP ERROR 500 2020-09-16
517485 Papyrus- tool charles ASSI --- [Tooling][Tracking] Regression regarding creating UML-RT structure and state-machine diagrams from new model wizard 2017-10-17
528550 Platform SWT platform-swt-inbox NEW --- [Webkit2] Implement setUrl(..postData..) via webkitgtk api instead of java when/if webkitgtk api becomes available. 2018-07-10
533893 Platform Website platform-doc-inbox RESO INVA AntCompareCVSDebugDocIDEIncubatorPMCRelengResourcesRuntimeScriptingSearchSWTTeamTextUIUser Assistance 2018-04-22
550546 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Java heap space error - eclipse exits 2021-04-19
563861 JDT Doc jdt-doc-inbox NEW --- I canĀ“t read text from file '' 2020-06-02
574335 Communit GitHub webmaster CLOS FIXE All new pull requests hang infinite waiting for Travis CI/CD 2021-07-15
12 bugs found.
