Wed Jun 12 2024 23:32:27 EDT
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
345938 Gemini.W unknown gemini.web-inbox NEW --- BundleWebappClassLoader.clearReferences() - extend current functionality 2013-03-25
365691 Gemini.W unknown gemini.web-inbox NEW --- SESSIONS.ser is not preserved when stopping GW/stopping web application bundle 2013-03-25
395141 Gemini.W unknown gemini.web-inbox NEW --- Annotated web components are not found if they are not in WEB-INF/classes or WEB-INF/lib, but in the bundle class path 2013-03-25
435097 Gemini.W unknown gemini.web-inbox NEW --- Gemini tests are not cleaning up after themselves 2014-05-18
477479 Gemini.W unknown gemini.web-inbox NEW --- Custom classes in the global context.xml can't be loaded from org.apache.catalina 2015-09-24
541285 Gemini.W unknown gemini.web-inbox NEW --- Fix TomcatServletContainerTests#testWarWithResourceRefereces 2018-11-18
570557 Gemini.W unknown gemini.web-inbox NEW --- Synchronous block in WebContainerBundleCustomizer during startup with missing dependencies 2021-01-25
571973 Gemini.W unknown gemini.web-inbox NEW --- Update Apache Tomcat to version 8.5.64 or later 2021-03-15
387702 Gemini.W unknown milesg78 ASSI --- Code coverage is below 70% 2017-01-26
9 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "unknown" component of the "Gemini.Web" product