Tue Jun 11 2024 19:37:44 EDT
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16 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
500682 Papyrus- textual eposse NEW --- Error editing textual if syntax not complete 2016-10-31
484158 Papyrus- textual papyrusrt-inbox NEW --- [textual] Core textual UML-RT should support alternative action languages 2016-09-02
484239 Papyrus- textual papyrusrt-inbox NEW --- [textual] The standalone generator should support textual UML-RT as input 2016-10-31
485946 Papyrus- textual papyrusrt-inbox NEW --- Code completion for port references in a connector should show only relevant ports 2016-10-31
485949 Papyrus- textual papyrusrt-inbox NEW --- Code completion for transitions should show only legal source and target vertices 2016-10-31
485957 Papyrus- textual papyrusrt-inbox NEW --- Outline view for transitions should show source, target, triggers, guards and actions 2017-10-17
485958 Papyrus- textual papyrusrt-inbox NEW --- Outline view should show connectors source and target 2017-10-17
491471 Papyrus- textual papyrusrt-inbox NEW --- Text-to-UML transformation broken in Neon 2016-10-31
500449 Papyrus- textual papyrusrt-inbox NEW --- Operation return type not generated correctly from textual 2016-10-31
500450 Papyrus- textual papyrusrt-inbox NEW --- Generated UML from textual does not generate protocol header file contents in the same order 2016-10-31
484138 Papyrus- textual eposse ASSI --- [textual] Textual syntax should support the RTS library and others 2016-10-19
485947 Papyrus- textual eposse ASSI --- Code completion for trigger messages should show only relevant messages 2017-05-23
486178 Papyrus- textual eposse ASSI --- Simplify import statement 2016-10-19
494925 Papyrus- textual eposse ASSI --- Support for internal transitions in TUML-RT 2016-11-16
495895 Papyrus- textual eposse ASSI --- Implement xtUML-RT serialization 2016-11-16
509315 Papyrus- textual eposse ASSI --- NPE when syncing user code from source code to textual model 2017-06-12
16 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "textual" component of the "Papyrus-rt" product