Sun Jun 2 2024 17:14:20 EDT
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38 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
327450 Riena ridget riena.core-inbox NEW --- Numeric/Decimal/DateTextRidget not working with RAP (due to RAP Bug #327439) 2011-08-03
325469 Riena ridget nobody NEW --- CCombo Marker Problem ( Controller - Blocking ) 2010-09-16
318568 Riena ridget riena.core-inbox NEW --- Add a property for the display of Log messages in Eclipse databinding 2011-07-22
321176 Riena ridget riena.core-inbox NEW --- TreeRidgetLabelProvider - Mechanism for setting default tree images 2011-08-03
335841 Riena ridget riena.core-inbox NEW --- RienaCollectionRidget 2011-04-13
344692 Riena ridget riena.core-inbox NEW --- singleSelectionObservable is not updated in TableRidget 2011-06-09
346677 Riena ridget riena.core-inbox NEW --- make TableViewer and TreeViewer a protected property 2011-05-20
349012 Riena ridget riena.core-inbox NEW --- Setting Alignment when using automatic TableColumn creation 2011-06-10
351418 Riena ridget riena.core-inbox NEW --- ColumnFormatter for TableRidgets are not reusable 2011-07-07
351437 Riena ridget riena.core-inbox NEW --- Comparators for TableRidgets don't have access to model object 2011-07-07
354246 Riena ridget riena.core-inbox NEW --- ClassCastException when calling setVisible on an AbstractSWTWidgetRidget 2011-08-09
356161 Riena ridget riena.core-inbox NEW --- ToggleButtonRidget does not show correct selection, when set to outputonly 2011-08-30
362867 Riena ridget riena.core-inbox NEW --- CompositeTable is not updated by LookAndFeel 2011-11-04
381672 Riena ridget riena.core-inbox NEW --- Event when updated data from ridget to model 2012-06-25
410687 Riena ridget riena.core-inbox NEW --- AbstractComboRidget with RAP - on page reload bindUIControl() method causes "Validation realm cannot be null" Exception 2013-06-13
414420 Riena ridget riena.core-inbox NEW --- Mandatory-Markers in Navigation Tree are not always correct, if the sub-module has radio buttons and is shared 2013-08-05
273073 Riena ridget riena.ui-inbox NEW --- IRidget should have a method getVisible() 2009-04-27
284250 Riena ridget riena.ui-inbox NEW --- TableRidget doesn't register it's internal TableViewer as a selection provider 2009-07-23
284255 Riena ridget riena.ui-inbox NEW --- Specify font and color for individual rows in a table ridget 2009-08-03
291881 Riena ridget riena.ui-inbox NEW --- Provide convenience bindToModel() method for Enums on selection ridgets 2010-06-24
292495 Riena ridget riena.ui-inbox NEW --- ITreeRidget: Support simplified bind-Method for TreeNode 2010-01-19
295870 Riena ridget riena.ui-inbox NEW --- Support Dirtychecking 2009-11-23
297094 Riena ridget riena.ui-inbox NEW --- Master/Detail - API improvement ideas 2010-01-26
301547 Riena ridget riena.ui-inbox NEW --- IComboRidget.bindToModel(…...) should allow properties 2010-02-05
301749 Riena ridget riena.ui-inbox NEW --- Warning if view class for submodule with a controller is not a SubModuleView/INavigationNodeView 2010-02-05
303598 Riena ridget riena.ui-inbox NEW --- gifs ressources in org.eclipse.riena.ui.ridgets.swt are not exported in source bundle 2010-02-23
317683 Riena ridget riena.ui-inbox NEW --- Make the creation of custom Ridgets easier 2010-06-23
317807 Riena ridget riena.ui-inbox NEW --- Comparator-Support for TreeRidget 2010-07-16
265110 Riena ridget riena.ui-inbox NEW --- Support for Content-Proposals 2011-08-23
274379 Riena ridget riena.ui-inbox NEW --- DecimalTextRidget: allow setting a 'rounding-mode' when exceeding precision 2011-08-23
285692 Riena ridget nobody ASSI --- Support filtering in viewer ridgets 2012-04-16
285687 Riena ridget steffen.kriese ASSI --- Support context menus via widget/ridget 2011-07-18
372221 Riena ridget riena.core-inbox ASSI --- CCombo\ ComboRidget SelectionListener needs validation rules & CCombo marks wrong item in list. 2012-04-23
362771 Riena ridget thorsten.schenkel ASSI --- It's not possible to set horizontal alignment of text with ColumnFormatter for ITableRidget 2011-11-03
289653 Riena ridget riena.core-inbox REOP --- ValueBindingSupport: converters do not work properly with generics 2011-09-15
314803 Riena ridget riena.core-inbox REOP --- TableRidget - Allow ColumnFormater to supress image 2011-08-03
323677 Riena ridget riena.core-inbox REOP --- IMasterDetailsDelegate - need prepareItemApplied(...) method 2011-08-03
301596 Riena ridget riena.ui-inbox REOP --- IComboRidget#bindToModel has room for improvement 2010-02-05
38 bugs found.


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