Sun Jun 2 2024 23:59:54 EDT
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
106321 z_Archiv Lepido nobody NEW --- Visual Editors don't work if the file is empty 2021-07-15
106496 z_Archiv Lepido nobody NEW --- [PATCH] New Form descriptor wizard 2021-07-15
109367 z_Archiv Lepido nobody NEW --- [Contribution] Sitemap Debugger 2021-07-15
109683 z_Archiv Lepido nobody NEW --- Adding a new widget to form produces error 2021-07-15
110140 z_Archiv Lepido nobody NEW --- paste code in word without marked occurances 2021-07-15
131062 z_Archiv Lepido nobody NEW --- Sitemap Error in webtools 1.0 2021-07-15
137017 z_Archiv Lepido nobody NEW --- Error open sitemap.xmap files 2021-07-15
7 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Lepido" component of the "z_Archived" product