Wed Jun 12 2024 18:37:33 EDT
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109 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
298588 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Support for SourceURL in eval'ed blocks 2011-05-25
310681 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- ScriptLoadBreakpoint should show script file 2010-10-05
487910 JSDT Debug ibuziuk NEW --- Validation required for WebKit Protocol launch configuration 2016-02-18
497703 JSDT Debug ibuziuk NEW --- If I add a breakpoint to a project called "node_modules" the program is not suspended 2016-07-15
497965 JSDT Debug ibuziuk NEW --- mouse hover over member variable does not show it value 2018-11-22
498518 JSDT Debug ibuziuk NEW --- JavaScript Debugger should support mapping between original and minified js files 2016-07-26
499566 JSDT Debug ibuziuk NEW --- [JS Debugger] Need to improve mapping logic between base url and js files in workspace 2016-08-11
499567 JSDT Debug ibuziuk NEW --- [JS Debugger] Need to add path validation for Chromium / Chrome Runtime 2016-08-11
279737 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Align exception handling for installing JS bundles with OSGi 2010-10-05
285608 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Sort out any differences in how Rhino treats literals vs. objects 2010-02-24
292554 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Function breakpoints never suspend 2011-05-25
292947 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Investigate releasing associated ScriptImpls when Context is GCed 2010-02-24
299814 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- DebugFrameImpl has 100% cache miss rate 2011-05-25
304840 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Investigate some form of hot swapping script changes 2010-03-17
305397 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Failing test in I-1.2.0-20100304170940 build 2010-03-11
306072 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Rhino implementation needs to provide function source when it is available 2010-03-17
306238 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Function variables are incomplete 2013-12-10
308357 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Do not pass line number information into the break event for a debugger; statement 2010-09-28
308790 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Breakpoints do not become active 2010-10-05
309859 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Unexpected exceptions cripple the debugger 2011-05-25
311573 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- The 'Add Script Load Breakpoint' action is tied to the workspace 2010-10-05
312283 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Add isProto, isPrototype and isThis to IJavaScriptVariable 2010-05-10
312287 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Properly scope variables 2011-05-25
313009 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- In rare occasions, step over will not step but just continue 2010-05-17
313014 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Support the Display view for JavaScript 2010-11-23
313749 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Deadlock after terminating launch target 2011-05-03
314695 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Global Script Load Breakpoint "label" is not suited for multithreaded use 2010-10-05
315111 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Do not include empty entries in RDWP JSON 2010-06-28
315268 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Investigate optimizing Rhino JSON 2010-06-01
318208 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Java Bridge objects do not expose their properties 2010-06-29
318351 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Show prototype name in Debugger 2010-06-29
318418 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- JavaScript "namespaces" should be previously declared as objects or else Rhino console error 2011-04-28
318910 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- [jsdt] breakpoints in project files not hit 2011-05-25
321395 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- breakpoint disappear from ruler when refresh page in remote debug project 2010-10-05
322911 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Add getVMName() and getVMVersion() to IJavaScriptDebugTarget 2010-08-17
323645 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- RhinoDebugger does not report the correct version of Rhino 2010-08-25
326920 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- JSDI should not eat exceptions 2011-04-28
327012 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Investigate initializing JavaScriptDebugTarget explicitly 2010-10-05
327017 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Ensure exceptions are handled correctly 2012-03-01
327019 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Ensure breakpoint usage is consistent 2012-03-01
327816 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Run to line hits breakpoints even with the platform setting to skip them turned on 2012-04-25
333890 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Support breakpoint undo 2011-01-10
338466 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- improve handling of script blocks within html files 2013-10-06
340911 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Provide better exceptions and information when launching and debugging 2011-03-24
343142 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Unable to debug javascript when custom classes are used 2013-10-10
344457 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Provide a "Run" mode for the launcher 2011-06-13
351748 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- NPE getting script source 2012-04-25
356618 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Consider revamping the 'Scripts' node. 2012-03-01
361128 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Debug session doesn't terminate 2013-09-09
363065 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Create an extension to Argument (or something to allow custom error meesages) 2011-11-07
363571 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Eclipse does not persists and updated the external JavaScripts under External JavaScript Source folder 2018-11-22
364139 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Rhino Debugger does not show value of variable of java classes. 2011-11-21
367124 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Rhino Debug Launcher has the same CWD as Eclipse 2012-01-10
378199 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Breakpoints are ignored if filename has 13 or more characters (ignoring .js) 2012-05-01
378858 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Better support for the HTML Editor 2012-05-08
379006 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- We need to provide a default script resolver 2012-05-09
385701 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Step over/into/return does not work properly when an exception or script load occurred in the code inside 2012-07-23
386795 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Incorrect step-in behavior if a script file was loaded multiple times in different scopes 2012-08-07
387740 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Improper InterruptedException handling in Rhino debugger 2012-08-21
388343 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Setting a watch evaluates variable name improperly 2012-08-29
389185 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Presentation of invalid properties 2012-09-14
404381 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Can not place breakpoint in JavaScript editor when file extension is not *.js 2013-03-26
405295 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- JSDT cannot resolve root script files 2013-04-09
405545 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- [request handler] java.lang.ClassCastException - java.lang.String incompatible with java.lang.Number in org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.debug.internal.rhino.debugger.RequestHandler 2013-04-12
405683 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- breakpoints are not hitting for linked javascript file 2013-11-22
413386 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Debug breakpoints not hit most of the time. 2013-12-16
416569 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Provide documentation for debug features and actions 2013-09-04
427119 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- conditional breakpoint is always suspended in Rhino debugger 2014-01-31
430581 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- After unchecking "Suspend on JavaScript Exception" again if you check it still its not suspending on Exception. 2014-03-18
463222 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Update to Rhino 1.7R5 2015-04-22
463254 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Javascript debugger: value of variable is not shown on hover over source 2015-03-27
481351 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- UI Freeze when setting a breakpoint 2015-11-03
483353 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- "Step Over" in do-while loop executes "continue" 2015-12-01
485604 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Generate Web Inspector Protocol Backend Plugin v1.1 for Chrome Stable 2016-04-28
485828 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Keybord Shortcuts are not Initializing if suspended for load script checked. 2016-01-14
486058 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Browser tab should be locked when VM suspended at break point in Chromium Debugger 2016-01-18
486074 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- JavaScript Debugger integration tests for chromium based browsers 2016-01-18
487055 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Improve the information shown while hovering over a variable during a JS debugging session 2017-10-26
487294 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Update rhino debugger DebugMain to mozilla 1.7.4 2016-02-07
487474 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Unable to debug Java/Javascript mixed code Java8 nashorn 2016-10-06
494592 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Node.js application children processes can not be killed from eclipse console 2018-07-30
495307 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Support Hyperlink/Ctrl+Click on files in Node.js console 2016-06-02
495548 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- DebugException below CLI.sendCLICommand (thrown in RuntimeProcess.getExitValue) 2018-11-22
497041 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- IllegalArgumentException when trying to debug an express application 2016-06-29
497941 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- when I upgraded to the latest I had an exception 2016-07-14
499600 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Exceptions while expanding Variables view 2018-07-30
510726 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Message: No property tester contributes a property 2017-01-20
513008 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Chromium remote debugger sets default breakpoint type on all text editors 2017-03-02
514215 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Can't enable a breakpoint in JavaScript class with JSDT 2.1.0 2017-04-03
517857 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Debugging javascript with Chrome not working 2017-06-07
520035 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- VProjectSourceContainer violates ISourceContainer contract 2017-07-21
529203 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Variable Not Visible While Debugging Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) scripts 2018-01-03
537907 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Node.js debug protocol depreciated. 2019-04-03
551466 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- eclipse show error log when right click on C/C++ source file in the project explorer 2019-09-25
553672 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Deadlock in Eclipse 2019-12 M3 startup 2019-12-02
289119 JSDT Debug Michael_Rennie NEW --- Breakpoints do not show up in the external editor 2011-05-25
328531 JSDT Debug Michael_Rennie NEW --- Support for non Eclipse-specific paths for server side JavaScript files 2011-04-25
390505 JSDT Debug Michael_Rennie NEW --- Rhino JavaScript launch configuration ECMA version and Rhino levels not accessible to screen reader 2013-03-07
303843 JSDT Debug jsdt.debug-inbox NEW --- Provide a Scrapbook editor 2011-04-28
308068 JSDT Debug Michael_Rennie ASSI --- JS debugger breakpoint anomalies 2010-10-05
322861 JSDT Debug Michael_Rennie ASSI --- Rhino StackFame should do a better job of serializing properties 2011-05-25
304390 JSDT Debug Michael_Rennie ASSI --- Provide refactoring participants 2010-03-02
308347 JSDT Debug Michael_Rennie ASSI --- Line numbers reported from Rhino seem non-deterministic 2011-05-25
309278 JSDT Debug Michael_Rennie ASSI --- Poll for the debug target 2010-04-27
322818 JSDT Debug Michael_Rennie ASSI --- NPE from label update job and detail job 2011-05-25
323529 JSDT Debug Michael_Rennie ASSI --- Investigate a Rhino builder 2011-09-15
326593 JSDT Debug Michael_Rennie ASSI --- Provide hyperlink debugging 2012-03-01
338460 JSDT Debug Michael_Rennie ASSI --- NPE when script with JSDT breakpoint encountered 2011-05-12
358928 JSDT Debug Michael_Rennie ASSI --- Variable value cannot be changed from the Variable tab in Debug perspective 2012-03-01
109 bugs found.


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