Wed Jun 12 2024 18:02:30 EDT
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43 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
415404 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Provide an EventBus API to introspect the current queue/topic names 2015-03-24
415409 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Custom SSL trust managers 2015-03-24
415412 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Option to not share runtime in verticles 2015-03-24
415424 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Encryption for EventBus 2016-01-08
415429 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Event bus flow control 2015-03-24
415437 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Compression over the EventBusBridge 2015-03-24
415443 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Add ability to wiretap messages on the event bus 2015-03-24
415453 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Expose wire format for event bus 2015-03-24
427029 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Changing visibility of DefaultHttpClientResponse.request to public 2014-11-13
427927 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Add some additional helper methods for working with Buffers 2014-11-13
427963 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Make HTTP Protocol version configurable or per request for httpclient. 2014-11-13
428771 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Add ability to use wildcards in message bus topic subscription 2021-02-02
429622 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Redirection support: 301 Moved Permanently 2015-10-17
438573 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- multipart/form-data support for http client 2015-01-20
463601 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Document cipher suites in developer manual 2015-03-31
469648 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Make Streams documentation less confusing 2015-06-08
472166 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- DNS host name resolution blocks event loop in HttpClient. 2015-07-16
472830 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Simple TCP Socket support for the event bus 2015-07-16
472831 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Make event bus transport layer pluggable 2015-07-16
472832 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Improve date handling in json object 2015-07-16
476607 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- CLASSPATH via -cp does not accept jar directory 2015-10-03
477341 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- sendFile() raise NullPointerException 2015-11-09
478657 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- DnsClient.resolveSRV throws ArrayIndex exception 2015-09-30
479472 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Unable to specify external cluster.xml when deploying a shadowjar (fatjar) on the classpath, need java property 2015-11-20
479488 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Http server does not properly handle https requests 2017-02-07
479583 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- PEMTrustOptions cannot have more than 1 effective certificate. 2015-10-13
480026 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Truncated UDP packet since 3.1.0 2016-01-26
480240 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Vert.x EventBusMetrics SPI Class Needs Reply Flag or Topic Change 2015-10-20
480242 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- EventBus not yet set on vertx instance when 'createMetrics(EventBus eventBus)' called on classes implementing implements VertxMetrics 2015-10-20
480285 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- create a canonical vertx 3 maven archetype thats released with each vertx release (so it uses the latest versions) 2015-10-21
480963 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- DeploymentOptions: Configuration JsonArray passed as constructor parameter does not work 2015-11-09
482298 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Json big decimal conversion issue. 2015-11-20
482545 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- The JsonObject String constructor accepts invalid JSON 2015-11-20
482725 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Provide a way to lookup selected websocket subprotocol 2015-11-20
483098 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- [HttpClient] Avoid instanciating VertxException on HttpClient connection closed 2015-11-26
485233 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Exception when unknown HTTP methods are used 2016-01-05
515174 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Redis client geoaddMany ERR syntax error. Try GEOADD key [x1] [y1] [name1] [x2] [y2] [name2] ... 2017-04-12
542765 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- private close variable not exposed to check if AsyncFile is already closed 2018-12-13
547285 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- Issue with AsyncFileImpl read() skipping last line in file without newline 2019-05-14
568984 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox NEW --- idleTimeout closes active http request 2020-11-23
535855 Vertx Core vulnerability.reports-inbox NEW --- VertX - CSRF Protection Bypass 2018-06-13
421932 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox REOP --- fileReadSymLink can return absolute links for relative symbolic links 2014-11-13
452015 Vertx Core vertx.core-inbox REOP --- putHeader can be enhanced to take a Map 2015-06-16
43 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Core" component of the "Vertx" product