Tue Jun 11 2024 16:36:15 EDT
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27 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
496162 EEF Core eef-inbox UNCO --- Two components using the same view containing an advanced table composition element editor generates code with build problem 2016-06-15
519240 EEF Core eef-inbox UNCO --- Error in EEF 1.5.2 with reflection to access a field 2017-07-06
543828 EEF Core eef-inbox UNCO --- [Legacy] NPE in org.eclipse.emf.eef.runtime.part.impl.SectionPropertiesEditingPart#getDescriptor 2019-01-29
307987 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- Naming collisions 2016-06-14
325475 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- Ant task to generate EEF code for a given eefgen model 2016-06-14
338591 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- [EEF] Issue with Map$Entry 2016-06-14
391773 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- [SMN] Be able to specify a step index of -1 meaning retrieving all filtered step recursively 2016-06-14
423187 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- Compile errors with EEF code from XSD generated EMF model 2021-03-30
496078 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- As a committer, I want to use a DSL to define the scope of all variables 2017-06-29
496082 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- As a committer, I want to explore the usage of RxJava 2016-06-14
497251 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- Potential performance issue in the refresh of the view 2016-07-04
499049 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- Missing attribute identifier on dynamic mapping if 2016-08-02
507139 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- Clicking on the very end of an hyperlink label does not trigger the corresponding action 2016-11-07
508848 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- Handle Number attributes via the Spinner widget 2016-12-08
508849 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- Handle Date attributes via the DateTime widget 2016-12-08
508932 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- Handle Multi-String attributes 2016-12-14
509355 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- Handle Nebula RichText Widget 2016-12-16
509416 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- Handle ImageViewer Widget 2016-12-20
509417 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- Handle FilePicker widget 2016-12-21
509418 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- Handle Image Picker Widget 2016-12-21
513555 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- Provide a mechanism so that a faillng services can report back through the "validation" form header 2017-03-13
530944 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- SWTException: Model Change During Edition popup appears for a non-collaborative model 2018-06-18
533483 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- Synchronize our fork of org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.tabbed with latest changes 2018-04-12
539013 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- It would be nice to have an else in the if construct 2018-09-13
581574 EEF Core eef-inbox NEW --- Allow to use many contributor ids in EEFTabbedPropertySheetPage 2023-02-24
496081 EEF Core stephane.begaudeau ASSI --- As a developer, I want to contribute programmatically to the validation 2016-09-23
496011 EEF Core eef-inbox REOP --- Defer the evaluation of some expressions to the moment they are actually needed 2016-12-01
27 bugs found.


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