Wed Jun 12 2024 10:36:05 EDT
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
477249 Papyrus- test charles UNCO --- [Model import Test] small PingPong example: type of the log ports not set to UMLRTLogProtocol 2016-11-11
477396 Papyrus- test mdt-papyrus-inbox UNCO --- [Model Import Test] small PingPong (V3) example : UMLRTFrameProtocol, UMLRTCapsuleId 2016-10-31
490419 Papyrus- test papyrusrt-inbox UNCO --- [test] rcptt error 2016-10-31
500556 Papyrus- test papyrusrt-inbox NEW --- [Test] Some tests dependency should not exist 2017-01-19
526327 Papyrus- test eposse ASSI --- [test][releng] Fork Papyrus JUnit feature into Papyrus-RT 2018-02-20
478926 Papyrus- test eposse ASSI --- [model import test] BindingTest project - scope errors on compilation 2017-04-20
526274 Papyrus- test eposse ASSI --- [tests][releng] Unit tests related to sub-class diagrams following changes in super-class 2017-10-19
7 bugs found.


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