Sun Jun 2 2024 19:18:53 EDT
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116 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
416012 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- FXGraph and Preview no longer in sync on invalid graph content 2013-08-28
416900 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- FXML-Editor should have internationalization support 2013-09-10
417784 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- [FXGraph] <fx:include> is removed during FXML to FXGraph conversion 2013-09-23
422243 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- [fxbuild] signing options and different destination for generated jnlp and html 2013-11-22
437521 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- Add option to configure 'iss' setup file on fxbuild 2014-06-16
440703 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- OSGi application wizard makes assumptions on application name in Jemmy launch configuration. 2014-07-30
442952 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- FXML => Java compiler does not generate styleClass values appropriately 2014-08-31
444908 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- Replace "Open with SceneBuilder" menu item by "Open With > SceneBuilder" to be aligned with all other Eclipse "Open With" menu children! 2015-01-20
444909 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- "Run As > JavaFX Application" menu item 2014-10-20
444927 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- "Organize Imports" for FXML 2019-03-16
445714 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- Maven repositories have wrong POMs 2014-10-01
446552 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- Add configuration for running an e4 application from the commandline using maven 2014-10-09
446920 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- Add option to select release or snapshot update site to project creation wizard 2014-10-13
448084 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- add some m2e support 2014-10-21
455921 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- e(fx)clipse CSS should not show incorrect warnings and errors 2014-12-21
456252 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- Failed to create injector for org.eclipse.fx.ide.fxgraph.FXGraph ExtensionFactory: org.eclipse.fx.ide.fxgraph.ui.FXGraphExecutableExtensionFactory 2016-04-06
472011 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- Updated stand-alone SVG2FXML converter 2015-08-13
472473 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- AssertionFailedException in AdapterManager.getAdapter (296) 2015-07-13
472477 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- JavaModelException in JavaElement.newNotPresentException (556) 2015-07-13
475347 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- Option for disabling css validation warning "Unknown property" 2016-07-01
476837 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- NoClassDefFoundError in JavaFXClasspathContainerInitializer.getNewContainer (161) 2015-09-08
485552 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- Update OSGi application wizard for 2.x 2016-02-03
485847 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- [RRobot] Should allow to specify the creation location when creating a project 2016-01-14
489073 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- Add "Generate JavaFX Setter/Getter" option to Quick Fix Dialog on Ctrl+1 2016-03-05
489074 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- Add feature "Complete JavaFX Property Definitions" 2016-03-05
490201 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- Add shadow field support to property boilerplate code generation. 2016-03-22
491426 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- Application hangs indefinitely when creating new JavaFX project 2017-10-31
491599 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- *Panes in the "javafx.scene.control" package are missing from the wizard. 2016-04-13
491600 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- Add Create a "New FXML Controller" to the JavaFX set of wizards. 2016-04-13
498550 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- Incorrect Warning "An entry for is required in bin.includes" 2022-04-02
501637 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- Efxclipse doesn't allow opening Scene Editor jar file 2017-06-27
508379 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- Cannot suppress warnings in CSS editor for unsupported selectors 2016-12-04
514308 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- Unknown property: -fx-line-spacing 2017-03-28
519447 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- NullPointerException in NameLookup.findType 2017-07-10
519471 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- CSS Validator marks calc statement as error 2017-07-10
531651 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- Program version not changing 2018-02-26
548567 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/xtext/common/types/DefaultCommonTypesRuntimeModule 2019-06-24
549775 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- E(fx)clipse 3.5.0 does not work with Eclipse2019-06 2019-08-03
560681 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- add -parameters debug="on" debug="true" debuglevel="lines,vars,source" to javac 2020-03-02
581804 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- cannot open the build.fxbuild file 2023-04-12
581970 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- javafx fxml not going smoothly 2023-05-23
582067 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox UNCO --- eclipse cannot create fxml file 2023-06-15
426222 Efxclips Tooling martin.bluehweis UNCO --- Hybrid Jar runining 2014-01-24
408288 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- [RRobot] Should allow to specify compiler settings when creating project 2013-05-16
408399 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Refactoring of properties in FX-Properties 2013-05-18
408400 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Non-deletion of .fxml file on renaming a .fxgraph file 2013-05-18
408401 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Filename characters mismatched in generated build.xml (russian chars) 2013-05-18
408402 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Hide fxml files from Eclipse 2013-05-18
408403 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Generate a Controller from an FXML-File 2014-10-05
408405 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Add JSL editor support 2013-05-18
408407 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- 3D Support for SVG->FXML converter 2013-05-18
408408 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Integrate JavaFX scenebuilder (as an editor!) 2018-02-16
408409 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- [Fxgraph] Ctrl-Shift-F in fxgraph messes with line breaks too much 2013-05-18
408410 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Add JDT-Templates for JavaFX-Types 2013-05-18
408411 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Add warning for CSS-Properties not compatible with your JavaFX-version 2013-05-18
408413 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- OSGi-Wizard should generate .target to help people setting up one 2013-05-18
408414 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- [CSS] Proposal for pseudo classes 2013-05-18
408415 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- [SVG] Unit 'pt' is not supported by the fxml converter 2013-05-18
408416 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Provide meaningful output when ant is launched with a JRE or wrong JDK 2013-05-18
408417 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- [FXML] Mark invalid values (e.g. Rectangle width = 200r) as an error 2013-05-18
408418 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- [FXGraph] Mark invalid values (e.g. Rectangle width = 200r) as an error 2013-05-18
408419 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Add FXML to Java Translator 2014-02-03
408421 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Add p2 update support to project templates 2015-03-17
408422 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- [CSS] need an @ANY definition to allow any input 2013-05-18
408423 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- [CSS] default value can be made up of multiple values 2013-05-18
408426 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Add more samples (use Netbeans ones?) 2013-05-18
408427 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- SVG-Converter missmatch between CSS-ID and XML-ID 2013-05-18
408430 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Open CSS-Class from FXML 2013-05-18
408431 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- QuickFix for not Existing Controller Class 2013-05-18
408432 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Add Jemmy-Classpath-Container like JUnit-Today 2013-05-18
408433 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Visual index of FX-Controls 2013-05-18
408437 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Add possibility to dump UI-Structure to FXML 2013-06-08
408438 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Add Inspector to Preview 2013-05-18
409990 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- [FXML] Validator does not check event-type assignment for actions 2014-10-28
409991 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- [FXML] Validator Warnings / Errors don't show up in problems view 2013-06-08
420430 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- [fxgraph] add generic support 2014-10-20
420448 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- [fxml] FXML-Content assits does not show url-Attribute on Image-Types 2013-10-27
427284 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Add efxclipse project nature 2017-02-07
432226 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- FXML-Compiler should support fx:include 2014-04-08
440635 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- [FXML/FxGraph] Hover over an enum constant should show javadoc 2014-07-29
441400 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- [css] Integrate Gradient-Analyzer 2014-10-20
443063 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Classes in javafx.embed.swt cannot be resolved before manually adding the jfxswt.jar. 2014-10-09
443564 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Generate Primitive Parameter UI from rtask-Files 2014-09-09
447044 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Add a wizard for JavaFX packaging 2014-10-14
447326 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- e4 JavaFX application wizard should create a target platform project 2014-10-15
448622 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Include support and ship TestFX 2015-01-13
452617 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- [fxml2java] Gradient stops are not converted 2014-11-21
452618 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- [fxml2java] compiler generates code using deprecated builders 2014-11-21
452619 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- [fxml2java] Colors values are not converted 2014-11-21
453733 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- fxbuild should support android exports 2014-12-01
455752 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Update project wizards to contribute themes through DS 2014-12-19
459097 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Incorrect warning about property change handler having wrong number of arguments 2015-02-04
460700 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- e4 JavaFX application wizard creates wrong parent POM 2015-02-24
462094 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Generate Media Sample uses deprecated APIs 2015-03-13
462617 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Add wizard to create preferred bundle setup for components 2015-03-19
465641 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Add XText nature to newly created projects by default 2015-04-28
474078 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- NoClassDefFoundError in CssDslActivator.getRuntimeModule (77) 2016-11-29
474944 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Remove generation of extra-classpath element in releng/pom.xml 2015-09-02
475320 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- StandInException in FXGraphActivator.createInjector (69) 2015-08-19
476086 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- CreationException in CssDslActivator.createInjector (67) 2017-09-01
478017 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- NoClassDefFoundError in AbstractFXGraphRuntimeModule.bindIScopeProvider (274) 2016-09-05
480535 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- e(fx)clipse - IDE - PDE integration should consider the version of the mapped compatible JRE rather than the bundle BREE. 2015-10-26
482450 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Generated Media Example should reuse the base-features 2015-11-18
484193 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Provider in "About Eclipse" dialog listed as "" 2015-12-11
487938 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Fix Website 2016-02-17
489803 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Ldef-Character-Rule should throw error if text provided is not exactly 1 char 2016-03-16
490268 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- New e4 FX application wizard does not complain if one of the projects already exists 2016-03-23
497838 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- FXML-Editor should validate if all elements can be resolved 2016-07-13
510597 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Add support to translate FXGraph to FXML in the maven build 2017-01-18
514964 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- CSS editor detects error in font-family declaration even though there is none. 2017-04-28
527318 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- CRTL+SHIFT+O not working porperly 2017-11-16
559808 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox NEW --- Updating the Xtext Community Website 2020-02-04
438658 Efxclips Tooling pde-apitools-inbox NEW --- Nothing in src folder when creating new android project 2014-07-02
445982 Efxclips Tooling efxclipse-inbox ASSI --- "Generate JavaFX Getters and Setters" missing when using Shortcut 2016-03-05
423309 Efxclips Tooling tom.schindl ASSI --- [FXML Compiler] <fx:define> causes SAXException 2013-12-09
423311 Efxclips Tooling tom.schindl ASSI --- [FXML Compiler] <fx:constant> does not work 2013-12-09
116 bugs found.


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