Tue Jun 11 2024 23:28:15 EDT
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45 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
441592 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox UNCO --- Could not add plugin from platform properties 2022-06-16
445789 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox UNCO --- Connection failed when launching Android emulator 2022-06-16
445795 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox UNCO --- Add debugging support to all platforms 2022-06-16
448105 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox UNCO --- JSDT classpath configuration process fails with [Include path contains duplicate entry] error for ionic myApp project 2022-06-16
454402 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox UNCO --- Offer a quick fix for "Android SDK location is not defined" exception 2022-06-16
454466 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox UNCO --- Export native iOS project doesn't understand framework "custom" attribute 2022-06-16
469832 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox UNCO --- Handle npm entries that are not cordova plugins on the cordova plugin discovery wizard 2022-06-16
483696 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox UNCO --- Provide action to launch Native IDE 2022-06-16
484958 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox UNCO --- ResourceException below HybridProjectCreator.createBasicProject 2022-06-16
496330 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox UNCO --- Plugin folder decorators do not appear on Linux. 2022-06-16
500543 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox UNCO --- When running iOS simulator, console shows an error running "instruments" 2022-06-16
513338 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox UNCO --- \ is an invalid character in ressource name 'J\'apprends à calculer'. 2022-06-16
472604 z_Archiv Thym wojciech.galanciak UNCO --- StandInException in WPLibraryResolver.detectVersion (111) 2022-06-16
447200 z_Archiv Thym gorkem.ercan NEW --- Support signing when exporting mobile applications 2022-06-16
446234 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Need a way to identify Thym launch configurations. 2022-06-16
447223 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- New Cordova project wizard should also allow import 2022-06-16
451194 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Plugin discovery dialog does not look OK with Dark themes 2022-06-16
455085 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Handle info tag on plugin.xml 2022-06-16
455105 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Drag and Drop Cordova plugin installation. 2022-06-16
455332 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Console cannot handle national characters 2022-06-16
455449 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Automatically guess a location for Android SDK 2022-06-16
455507 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Download Hybrid engine dialog should have a default selection 2022-06-16
455982 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Allow device selection when multiple Android devices are connected 2022-06-16
457817 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Show hints/details when plugin registry isn't accessible 2022-06-16
462447 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Unable to read config.xml after import of a project with 'www' linked folder 2022-06-16
462505 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Run as support for package explorer 2022-06-16
462765 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- console output for iOS 2022-06-16
463004 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Show plugin documentation on double-click 2022-06-16
470384 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Incorrect message in Import Cordova Project Wizard 2022-06-16
478146 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Display error dialog when no iOS SDKs are found 2022-06-16
483722 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Support for windows instead of wp8 2022-06-16
490066 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Main Thym page misses instructions/links to download/install 2022-06-16
493382 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Bump version on master 2022-06-16
498254 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Can not retrieve plugin catalog 2022-06-16
500281 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Project wizard autogenerates wrong code 2022-06-16
506551 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Cannot export native app 2022-06-16
514543 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Cannot run hybrid app on ios simulator when eclipse runs in osx sandbox 2022-06-16
515753 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Attempt to install cordova plugin: Could not find *-Info.plist file, or config.xml file. 2022-06-16
517918 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- App does not run in iOS simulator with ios cordova 4.3.1 2022-06-16
520669 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- org.w3c.dom.DOMException when changing engines 2022-06-16
530902 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- Clicking on platforms/android{ios}xyz in Project Explorer throws NPE 2022-06-16
531285 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox NEW --- path to cordova.js template file has changed 2022-06-16
455349 z_Archiv Thym wojciech.galanciak NEW --- [Windows Phone] Run on Real device support 2022-06-16
461206 z_Archiv Thym wojciech.galanciak NEW --- Icon and Splash screen support for WP8 2022-06-16
491074 z_Archiv Thym thym-inbox REOP --- xcodeproj is shown as a directory in Project Explorer 2022-06-16
45 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Thym" component of the "z_Archived" product