Sun Jun 2 2024 08:14:44 EDT
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40 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
169014 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- [ataspectj] DeclarePrecedence should allow declaring mutliple precedences 2013-06-24
251019 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- [plan] [memory] Possible resource leak in aspectj 1.6.1 2013-06-24
160296 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- Custom JoinPoint factory 2006-10-18
169015 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- [plan] [ataspectj] Assymetry between AfterReturning/Throwing and other advice annotation 2013-06-24
177678 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- equality of joinpoints 2007-03-20
200399 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- after returning advice = memory leak 2013-06-24
210849 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- Support ProceedingJoinPoint.proceed(Object...) 2007-11-25
224818 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- Factory uses getClassLoader() does not use jave security causes problems with container security 2012-11-22
239649 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- Access to this or the aspect instance in an if() 2013-06-24
243793 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- dflow pointcut 2008-08-11
264874 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- WeavingAdaptor doesn't support URLs, in particular not jar:// 2013-06-24
281769 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- Problem getting the real method when using generic classes in Java 2010-03-22
288711 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- java.lang.VerifyError with @AspectJ 2009-09-06
298829 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- Under percflow/percflowbelow instant. mode aspect applies only to thread of execution 2010-01-07
299062 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- java.lang.VerifyError with @AspectJ: Incompatible argument to function 2013-06-24
304023 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- Unnecessary ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException caught when index is illegal 2010-02-26
309741 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- NPE resolving types 2013-06-24
327552 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- Calling ajc in Eclipse Application Run Configuration leads to unsupported "srcdir" attribute 2013-06-24
357788 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- Around advice throws IndexOutOfBoundException 2011-09-15
363985 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- advising a private constructor generates an extra ctor that is also advised 2011-11-17
366757 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- Expose annotations from joinPointStaticPart 2011-12-14
370159 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- FieldSignatureImpl.getField returns null 2012-01-30
370447 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: error annotation type patterns are only supported at Java 5 compliance level or above 2012-02-02
380892 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- META-INF/MANIFEST.MF not found by JarInputStream() 2012-05-29
392311 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- NPE during load time weaving (spurious) 2012-10-30
397829 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- Aspect-J without LTW clashes with JBoss AS7 ModuleClassLoader 2013-01-10
404601 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- AbstractMethodError when target class already has method trying to be introduced 2013-04-01
411004 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- cannot register non aspect: 2013-06-19
457106 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- Slow memory leak when doing runtime weaving using IBM JDK 1.6 running on AIX 2015-01-24
460587 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- Advice not getting applied when an aspect class contains a non-static field that is eligible for LTW advice. 2015-02-23
474266 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- Unable to intercept methods with Enum as varargs 2015-08-06
491183 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- AspectJ Internal Compiler Error: AbortCompilation 2016-04-28
508661 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- Class is woven second time after modification by JMockit 2016-12-09
561079 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- BcelWorld log an ERROR for Lombok annotations that have retention "CLASS" 2020-04-22
561599 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- java.lang.IllegalAccessError: Update to static final field attempted from a different method (ajc$preClinit1) than the initializer method <clinit> 2020-04-22
572808 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- org.aspectj.util.LangUtil has reference outside java.base 2021-06-08
574211 AspectJ Runtime aspectj-inbox NEW --- OSGiWeavingAdaptor.defineClass fails without --illegal-access=warn 2021-06-21
281452 AspectJ Runtime equinox.incubator-inbox NEW --- [aspects] aspect weaving fails when aspects registered via 'aspects' attribute of exported package 2019-03-13
92933 AspectJ Runtime adrian.colyer ASSI --- Add support for CLDC 2010-06-09
89009 AspectJ Runtime adrian.colyer REOP --- Add ability to associate user object to join point 2013-06-24
40 bugs found.


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