Wed Jun 12 2024 04:27:04 EDT
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30 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
318427 RAP JFace rap-inbox NEW --- [JFace] org.eclipse.jface.window.ToolTip is missing 2020-02-12
320237 RAP JFace rap-inbox NEW --- [TreeViewer] post selection changes are not handled as expected (as in RCP) 2010-09-20
325826 RAP JFace rap-inbox NEW --- FilteredTree doesn't work proper without UICallBack 2014-07-02
360680 RAP JFace rap-inbox NEW --- Don't break IDialogConstants API in RAP 2011-10-12
389131 RAP JFace rap-inbox NEW --- [JFace] ControlDecoration behaves differently in RWT 2016-10-06
423468 RAP JFace rap-inbox NEW --- ObservableValueEditingSupport.create has problems with null Realm 2013-12-06
489541 RAP JFace rap-inbox NEW --- BindingManager removes ACTIVE_KEY/CANCEL_KEY set by the Application 2021-01-20
493226 RAP JFace rap-inbox NEW --- Table Scroll behaviour in narrow tables with a FocusCellManager 2016-05-09
538362 RAP JFace rap-inbox NEW --- GridEditor not re-layouted on client-side row-height change 2018-08-28
562427 RAP JFace rap-inbox NEW --- org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.ControlDecoration does not provide showHoverText(String) method 2020-04-23
235046 RAP JFace rap-inbox ASSI --- Setting non-resizable table column does not work 2008-06-09
236433 RAP JFace rap-inbox ASSI --- DeferredContentProvider does not reliably update the UI 2012-04-30
361652 RAP JFace rap-inbox ASSI --- [JFace] FieldDecorationRegistry#getDefault should have session scope 2012-03-21
366151 RAP JFace rap-inbox ASSI --- Layout issue in DialogWizard only for first open after workbench start 2011-12-09
366575 RAP JFace rap-inbox ASSI --- [TableViewer] Current cell not always highlighted 2011-12-13
389040 RAP JFace rap-inbox ASSI --- Databinding support in the JEE mode 2016-03-15
391083 RAP JFace rap-inbox ASSI --- Fast key navigation in treeviewer makes tree lose selection 2013-05-15
391085 RAP JFace rap-inbox ASSI --- ElementListSelectionDialog does not show all elements 2014-08-22
422314 RAP JFace rap-inbox ASSI --- ColumnWeightData is wrong calculated for table in TitleAreaDialog 2014-01-09
424754 RAP JFace rap-inbox ASSI --- JFace resource registries cannot be serialized 2014-01-08
435750 RAP JFace rap-inbox ASSI --- [ToolItem] Tooltip does not appear on disabled action 2023-10-23
445464 RAP JFace rap-inbox ASSI --- ContentProposalAdapter proposals popup stays visible if Combo is used as a control 2014-10-08
489373 RAP JFace rap-inbox ASSI --- Dialog buttons don't work all the time 2016-03-14
519387 RAP JFace rap-inbox ASSI --- Selection in table isn't preserved after calling refresh on the corresponding TableViewer in RWT, whereas in SWT the selection is preserved 2018-02-21
531464 RAP JFace rap-inbox ASSI --- MessageDialog indicates default button only the first time the dialog is opened 2018-02-27
533504 RAP JFace rap-inbox ASSI --- Chinese button texts are truncated in JFace Dialog 2018-04-18
561420 RAP JFace rap-inbox ASSI --- RAP JFace should provide icons in HiDPI 2022-01-25
320201 RAP JFace rap-inbox REOP --- [JFace] SWTException when disposing TreeItems with decorated images 2012-09-28
500482 RAP JFace rap-inbox REOP --- FormFonts being a singleton prevents one Display from being GCed 2016-09-07
570432 RAP JFace rap-inbox REOP --- MessageDialog - Last line of a multiline text in Arabic locale should be RTL oriented. 2021-02-01
30 bugs found.
