Sun Jun 2 2024 23:37:26 EDT
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10 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
459215 Californ Californ cf-inbox UNCO --- OptionSet.getOthers() is private 2015-02-05
459903 Californ Californ cf-inbox UNCO --- Have a setter for rootResource of the server 2015-02-13
483581 Californ Californ cf-inbox UNCO --- californium-osgi fails jar validation 2015-12-17
474398 Californ Californ cf-inbox NEW --- Sender needs flow control to adhere to MID lifetime (EXCHANGE_LIFETIME) 2015-08-06
474416 Californ Californ cf-inbox NEW --- Proper error handling mechanism including authentication problems 2015-08-06
474620 Californ Californ cf-inbox NEW --- Exchange filter support missing 2015-08-26
475816 Californ Californ cf-inbox NEW --- Request.getURI returns "localhost" when literal IP address is used. 2015-08-25
478697 Californ Californ cf-inbox NEW --- unittest testObserveWithBlockwiseResponse sporadically fails 2015-10-09
480146 Californ Californ cf-inbox NEW --- [website] Include link to Cailfornium artifacts at Maven Central 2015-10-19
482296 Californ Californ cf-inbox NEW --- californium-proxy causes Block2 transfer timeout 2015-11-16
10 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Californium" component of the "Californium" product